Progress Update - VIDEO! - 1 of 2 (1/22/12)
So this update was recorded on December 15th, 2011 so it doesn't quite cover ALL of my progress since then. I'm going to keep to my original idea of highlighting the important ideas but for now I'm going to concentrate on just this video and my progress up to that point just for sake of organization. Soon enough I'll get to posting a more recent update and you can all be caught up!
As always, all feedback and comments are welcome and encouraged

Anyway, time for the new 20-minute update. Enjoy!
So now for the text to go along with it! I'll try to keep with the same style I had in the last update since that seemed to work pretty well.
NOTE: These updates are proving to take a lot more time than I would like. Because of that, I am not going to put as much detail into the text portion as you or I would like. Please know that these text updates are to
accompany the video, not replace it. In most cases, there is much more information in the video so please don't forget that!
So, here's a little recap on what I have done so far with regards to pepping:
Boot -
Build depth: 320 mm
The right boot is pepped but has gotten a little beat up. Nothing a little hot glue can't fix!
Shin -
Build height: 372 mm
The right shin looks great! It's all pepped and ready to go. Once I get the rest of the right leg finished I'll get started on the left.
Thigh -
Build height: 390-420 mm
The right thigh has proven to be somewhat difficult to get right so far. I made a few testers and even started an HD one but I had some issues with some of the pieces being the wrong size. I put it off for another time, you'll learn more in my next update!
Cod Piece -
Build width: 383 mm
The cod piece is done being pepped and fits great.
Annanymous 3:13
Post replied to: Post
Longshot-x 6:29
Post replied to: Post
Prettyfloralbonnet 7:39
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Gloves: 10:17
So the gloves have come somewhat of a long way since my last update. My grandfather has given me an old golfing glove that fits me perfectly and is exactly what I am looking for! Here are a few pictures of the glove before any modifications.

I used a
thread ripper to take apart the glove and after a few hours I was left with the basic pattern of it. I'll talk more about it below and also post some pictures of what it looks like now.
I have also visited a few places around town and asked for help with this but nobody seems to have any experience making gloves here! Anyhow, on to the other things...
The Buttons
So, I have made some pretty dandy little buttons that I am planning on putting inside the gloves. They are extremely simple to make and
if anybody is interested in learning how I would be more than happy to make a tutorial! I may even be willing to part with some of the buttons that I have

In other words, if you need any, let me know and we can figure something out.
The Pattern
Well, I know I said in the video that I would post a pattern for all of you guys but it turns out it will be much more difficult to do due to the size of the glove. As always,
if you ask I am willing to try to help but until then I'm not going to bother posting the pattern.
Here's a picture of the pattern now. The little orange thing in the corner is the thread ripper that I used.

Yea I know, it's pretty gross and dirty haha!
The Material:
As for the material of the gloves, I have no idea what this material is but it seems to be some kind of synthetic leather. I've been to Joann Fabrics a few times and have done some searching for suitable fabric and the best that I have come up with is either a thin, stretchable synthetic leather, a nylon fabric, or "Sew Classic Suedecloth" from Joann's.
Does anybody have any input as to what I should use?
School Projects: 13:25
So, as I talked about in the video, I have found a few ways to integrate parts of my suit into school projects. These projects are mostly the reason I've taken so long to post this update! Anyhow, the projects were the communication system and Magnum that I had talked about in my previous updates.
-Comm System:
For a project for one of my classes I decided to attempt to make the Communications System that I had talked about in previous updates. The point of the project was to make anything using an
Arduino Uno Microprocessor. While I was working on this project I had contacted the Arduino team via e-mail and had asked them a few questions after describing
in detail what I was trying to do. Since many people still don't fully understand the comm system, I figure I might as well post up the portion of that email describing it. Here it is:
There will be one microphone which will pick up the users voice. The microphone will go into the Arduino and be directed to one of three places: two small speakers, a walkie-talkie, and an iPhone. If the voice is directed into the speakers, it is projected outward of the user, essentially acting as a PA system (this is only one-way, as in, there is no input from the other side). If the voice is directed through the walkie-talkie, the person on the other end will be able to hear what the user is saying. If the voice is projected through the iPhone, the user can talk on the phone and potentially talk to the phone using voice commands. So, the microphone will be one input into the Arduino that has three potential outputs. On the other hand, the user will also wear an earphone which will be one output from the Arduino that has only two potential inputs. Those two inputs would be from the person talking on the other end of the walkie-talkie and from the iPhone. The way that the user will determine where their voice will be directed and what they will hear is by pushing one of three tactile momentary push-buttons that are mounted on the tips of three fingers inside a glove that they will wear. The first button will direct their voice to the two speakers mounted on them. The audio from the walkie-talkie will also be active and be directed into the earpiece when it is in this state. The second button will direct their voice into the walkie-talkie (which will need to be push-to-talk) with the other person's voice being directed into the earphone. In order for the user to use the walkie-talkie they will push the button once, activating it, and push and hold the button each time they wish to talk into it. In order to deactivate it, they will push the button twice rapidly (this is not set in stone, just an idea). The third button will allow the user to use the iPhone, directing their voice from the microphone to the phone and the audio from the phone into the headset. If possible, if one device is active and the user pushes the button to activate a different device, the Arduino should deactivate the previous device and activate the desired one.
Also, if possible, I would like to be able to make this so that I can play music through the speakers and possibly talk through them at the same time. This isn't necessary but if I can make it happen I would like to try.
After thinking about this just now I have a different but similar idea. While the speakers are active and the user can speak into them freely, the audio from the walkie-talkie is simultaneously being transmitted into the earpiece. Rather than deactivating the speakers and then activating the walkie-talkie to speak into it, the user simply pushes and holds the second button to speak into the walkie and when the button is released their voice will be transmitted through the speakers again. The speakers and walkie-talkie can also function as described above and both be deactivated."
So it seems I've gone over the character limit for this post so I'll continue in the next one!