Well we had a butt ton of rain roll through here yesterday, so rather than lose a whole day of building I made the most of it. Made from sliced models on foamboard The forum member who sliced them escapes me at this point... when I find it I'll credit them acordingly. Here it is with most of the smoothing done to it. My goal for this when it is done is to cast it and make a few...wish me luck on this.
as you can see it's a little nicer out today, as soon as things dry out I'll be back to work on my armor
still have a little more detail shaping to do (hence the stuff drawn on) fix the symetry and then resin.
as you can see it's a little nicer out today, as soon as things dry out I'll be back to work on my armor
still have a little more detail shaping to do (hence the stuff drawn on) fix the symetry and then resin.