Ranger's HUD Progress

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I added a keyboard listener to start music playback whenever 's' is pressed, and pause whenever 'p' is pressed. Very basic, very ugly, and likely going to change in the final version. But technically, I can pause and play music without needing an external device!
It's only up from here!
Feature idea that will be easy to implement using an Arduino controller. Cooling/exhaust fan controller based on helmet internal temperature and humidity.

Here's a simple little module that you can use as your thermometer and moisture probe.

If it gets too warm in the helmet, cooling fans on. If the moisture content of the air is too high, exhaust goes on. If you're in Florida, both fans are screaming full bore constantly.
Feature idea that will be easy to implement using an Arduino controller. Cooling/exhaust fan controller based on helmet internal temperature and humidity.

Here's a simple little module that you can use as your thermometer and moisture probe.

If it gets too warm in the helmet, cooling fans on. If the moisture content of the air is too high, exhaust goes on. If you're in Florida, both fans are screaming full bore constantly.
Thanks for the link :), and yeah this is one of the features I want. I have a couple arduino's lying around but I'll probably end up running it through the raspberry pi as well tbh because it also has a pin out, and then I have the option of being able to force my fans on/off with my tacpad. I have a temp sensor lying around, but the humidity sensor may be even more valuable given one of the biggest concerns is condensation so I may pick that up.

Fun tidbit from that sensors documentation:
Simply ignore pin 3, its not used.
Thanks for the link :), and yeah this is one of the features I want. I have a couple arduino's lying around but I'll probably end up running it through the raspberry pi as well tbh because it also has a pin out, and then I have the option of being able to force my fans on/off with my tacpad. I have a temp sensor lying around, but the humidity sensor may be even more valuable given one of the biggest concerns is condensation so I may pick that up.
No problem good sir. I was just digging around for an inexpensive solution that's got a small footprint for a similar project and thought it'd be useful or at least fun to add onto your bucket.
An interesting bit you could look into is some type of audio enhancement for those of us in helmets! Anything that can increase the volume of the outside for inside out helmets is always welcome so we can have conversations with other con goers! I've worked off of this angle with having a voice amplifier on my suit!
An interesting bit you could look into is some type of audio enhancement for those of us in helmets! Anything that can increase the volume of the outside for inside out helmets is always welcome so we can have conversations with other con goers! I've worked off of this angle with having a voice amplifier on my suit!
This is something I've been thinking about too. I want a mic on the outside for hearing the outside, and a mic on the inside for talking to the outside/other spartan's via comms. I'm not sure how to pull it off yet, but I may have to build on a helmet attachment in order to accomodate the hardware, cause I don't think there's room on the inside for my nightvision camera anyways, and having a temp sensor on the outside as well may allow for more accurate fan control
Courtesy of Phauxelate I was able to run a successful mic test via discord for the helmet! I couldn't hear him... but I think that was his end xD. I also watched some youtube.

It's all super hacky, and I can't keep the mic I used/I'll have to buy another one... but it's comin together a lil'bit faster than I anticipated! :D

Update: Replacement mic gear has been ordered.
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After I get my helmet running in a manner I'm happy with, I'll see if I can build a way to maintain it's functionality without needing a screen given that the display I'm using raised to $200 USD. I can't make any promises about this though, because I'm currently using a web browser for some of the features like Discord, which (probably) wouldn't work without a screen.
But, I want to see a world where we all have a computer in our helmet where we can listen to music and talk over comms when we want.
An interesting bit you could look into is some type of audio enhancement for those of us in helmets! Anything that can increase the volume of the outside for inside out helmets is always welcome so we can have conversations with other con goers! I've worked off of this angle with having a voice amplifier on my suit!

They have ear protection for shooting that is electronic. It amplifies the outside sound and shuts off when loud noises exceed a certain decibel level.
Stand back a second, watch this:


links to follow:

I wanted to try to pull the guts out of a pair of these and pt them in my helmet, but didn't have time.

Well, that ought to do it, guys. I expect this problem to be resolved within the week. Plans, blueprints, prototype, human testing, and tutorial.

You're welcome.
They have ear protection for shooting that is electronic. It amplifies the outside sound and shuts off when loud noises exceed a certain decibel level.
Stand back a second, watch this:


links to follow:

I wanted to try to pull the guts out of a pair of these and pt them in my helmet, but didn't have time.

Well, that ought to do it, guys. I expect this problem to be resolved within the week. Plans, blueprints, prototype, human testing, and tutorial.

You're welcome.
Unfortunately I'm not sure I can make use of these in terms of their physical hardware, given their size and shape... BUT, it has helped me put two things together that should solve this issue anyways and now I've got a bunch of idea's flowing. :)
I had another idea
As I work through this, one thing that tempts me is building a helmet without a transparent visor.
You: Wtf? This guy may be actually crazy, how does he expect to see!
Well, you might be right... but since you asked: instead of a visor I'd use a VR/AR display. Some of the games hint that this is how it's done in game, such as when you see a suit boot up from a black screen and then the image of the outside world flickers into view. Basic VR setups are relatively cheap and easy these days too be honest, and it also relatively easy to hook one up to a camera and overlay an image. I'm thinking if I go this route, visitbility would take a definite hit (because the field of view/ angle of vision is reduced) but I'd be able to fully replicate the internal appearance of the HUD, shield bars, mini maps, you name it without too much difficulty.

Things I know: This is possible, and I've used similar products, and relatively cheap (likely less than $100 depending on how well I want to do it. It can be done for as cheap as $10 if I do it super hacky and there's room in the helmet), and it would cool as *BLAM*.
Things I don't know: When I'll get around to this, how long the battery would last, and whether or not it would be enjoyable.

Actual update news for the current HUD project: My new mic hardware was delivered, so I'll be installing that after work!
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I had another idea
As I work through this, one thing that tempts me is building a helmet without a transparent visor.

Well, you might be right... but since you asked: instead of a visor I'd use a VR/AR display. Some of the games hint that this is how it's done in game, such as when you see a suit boot up from a black screen and then the image of the outside world flickers into view. Basic VR setups are relatively cheap and easy these days too be honest, and it also relatively easy to hook one up to a camera and overlay an image. I'm thinking if I go this route, visitbility would take a definite hit (because the field of view/ angle of vision is reduced) but I'd be able to fully replicate the internal appearance of the HUD, shield bars, mini maps, you name it without too much difficulty.

Things I know: This is possible, and I've used similar products, and relatively cheap (likely less than $100 depending on how well I want to do it. It can be done for as cheap as $10 if I do it super hacky and there's room in the helmet), and it would cool as *BLAM*.
Things I don't know: When I'll get around to this, how long the battery would last, and whether or not it would be enjoyable.

Actual update news for the current HUD project: My new mic hardware was delivered, so I'll be installing that after work!

Gungnir confirmed!?!?
BIG COMMS UPDATE: The new mic hardware has been installed and works flawlessly! With the help of NobleofDeath16 I was able to verify that I have fully functional 2-way communication via Discord through the helmet!

What a time to be alive!
The beginnings of a tutorial draft may be within reach soon!
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Smaller update: I accidentally broke the stereo speakers circuit board... so I ordered some new parts for that :-(. RIP Klipsh GiG, RIP.
I also ordered parts to do a basic outside -> inside mic system. The new speaker system won't be able to get as loud, but it'll be easier to control the volume/be more integrated.

This project is slowly growing more and more expensive, but it'll be worth it in the end!
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Following as this was something I wanted to try a few years back just because. Then again few years later after they released hud motorcycle helmets.
Today's update
Some of my new parts arrived today. I was able to install a new, more stable, screen mounting system and the external microphone. Unfortunately, the wifi card I bought doesn't appear to be compatible, so that was a bust. Still waiting on my headphone jack parts so I can get audio back into the helmet. That should arrive Saturday though, and given that I technically have my main features I was concerned about working (hackily), I'll start writing up a tutorial with parts list this weekend.

Tutorial v1.0 release-date: This weekend, provided my replacement parts arrive.

Misc: If anyone knows why both hot-glue and super-glue refuze to bond the plastic mic to the helmet, I'm all ears. Right now it's just sitting there. Also, the bucket's getting pretty full and kinda heavy lol.


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Maybe, depending on the plastics, it wond bond because there is nothing for the glue to grip onto? the plastic could be so smooth there is no way to hold on. If this is the case, sandpaper should do the job.

Also looks like your running out of room in there fast XD dont go buying stuff and making plans if you cant work them in!
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