Wow I am really flattered this is going up on the WIP wednesday article! Thanks so much, I didn't even think it would make it. Anyway, Update! So I didn't do a whole lot yesterday, other than buy materials and build a vacuum former. So I have all the stuff to do the visors now. And today, I cut out the visor section, removed the foamies in the areas I had finished and cleaned them up, and buffed most of the scratches out of the helmet. I also got some more supplies today, only this time, I got molding latex, casting resin, and release agent

So I am all set to finish up the helm itself tomorrow, finish the visor buck, vac form my first visor and make sure everything fits perfect so I can make my mold. I am hoping to have that all done before Saturday, seeing as I fly back to Utah Saturday afternoon and can't do most of that due to the stupid cold. Once again, for the pics or it didn't happen people (and also just cuz I love adding pics), here you go:
You can see that I cut out the visor, and under the brim added the stepped detai that wasn't in the original pep. I used foamies to outline and build it up. I also built up the side areas around the visor. I am still trying to figure out how to do the shape in front of the chin detail.
In these ones you can see some of the side and back details I cut in using foamies. I may add one to the front of the swoop, I am trying to check all the reference pictures to get an idea of shape and size before I do, but those will be quick and easy to add tomorrow.
I also removed the foamies on the top of the head and sharpened up the edges. I didn't primer so you could see the sharp edges more easily.
And here is the vac former. Its simple, I just followed the basic tutorial layout, and am working on a more advanced design with my dad. He is also an engineer and we like to bounce ideas off one another. I still have to drill a hole for the buck support, but other than that it is finished.
So all in all, I am crazy excited about the next fews days. We are also swinging by the local motorcycle shop so I can test fit a motorcycle visor just to see how it will work, and also to find what size replacement liner I will need to order. Hope y'all enjoy, I know I have enjoyed almost every minute!