Well, you don't have to wait long... UPDATE!!! So I get some nice surprises in the mail yesterday today. My stuff came in from Texas, so my helmet and etc are finally here in Utah. We had a nice day today, it was in the 40s or so, and I got the black areas masked off and layed down the dark grey, I used a metallic finish. I did goof on one side of the helm, I got a little close and heavy, I will buff it down and lay over it with the light grey. Thank goodness its not in a spot that is dark grey. I also had a nice little visit from the mail man. Smooth on sent some stuff my way today. So I now have the gallon kit of Dragon Skin 10 Fast, and the gallon kit of Smooth Cast 320. Wahoo!!! so if this weather keeps up, I may be able to wrap up the mold this weekend!!!!! I am just waiting for the last few soft spots to dry/cure on the paint then I will mask the dark grey and shoot the light grey, its also metallic. And here's the pics:
Can you see my little goof?
Let me know what y'all think!
PS, Thank you so much for you words of encouragement, they really make a big difference! I have been going nuts waiting for the stuff to show up in the mail so I could get yall some updates. Nox, I look forward to seeing how yours turns out! I would take a peak at MrOreo123s unfold, it is really nice!