Reach Build 3.0

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If it's too tight you could always add in a filler piece to make it fit. Add it to a section that is a out of the way......inconspicuous like.

It’s the opposite, its too big on my leg, like if I swing my leg I could launch the shin piece across the house...which I might attempt sometime today. One of the reasons the pieces don’t look identical is because I work one piece through completion to try to work out the sizing issues then put what I’ve found that should work on the second piece. I don’t like to do this often but, I’m thinking I might need melt through the glued seams on the front of the shin and side piece, to shave off about 1 inch on the front and back pieces that connect the sides. If everything goes well with the vet I might be able to finish up the shin with the adjustments today.
It’s the opposite, its too big on my leg, like if I swing my leg I could launch the shin piece across the house...which I might attempt sometime today. One of the reasons the pieces don’t look identical is because I work one piece through completion to try to work out the sizing issues then put what I’ve found that should work on the second piece. I don’t like to do this often but, I’m thinking I might need melt through the glued seams on the front of the shin and side piece, to shave off about 1 inch on the front and back pieces that connect the sides. If everything goes well with the vet I might be able to finish up the shin with the adjustments today.

Yeah....that would have been my next suggestion (if I originally asked what the size discrepancy was).....splicing out a bit to fit.....
Resized it a bit, and it fits I can’t launch it across the living room anymore but it looks small?
I guess once you put on the knee plate it will fill the gap between thigh and shin a bit.
This was the reason I printed out the male files, they have the knee plate details, if I remember correctly I'm going to have to free hand the actual knee plate? I'll deal with that once all the main pieces are completed.
It looks good for scaling if you're going for mobility, especially with boots added in. How is it for slipping your foot in? Is there any resistance against the shin when putting your foot through?
The resistance starts at the middle toward the ankle area, but it's nothing to worry about, might need to sand a bit. Mobility is the ultimate, but possibly impossible, goal. I can sit comfortably with the thigh pieces on and the shins don't get in the way much. I won't be able to do an accurate test in mobility until I've set up the strapping system, but just being able to sit is already amazing especially since I used to remove half the suit to sit down.
How the hell did he get up there? I wonder............
There’s a sink right next to me that’s out of the view. He’s been climbing up onto that and I thought he was just curious about what I was doing. I felt him tap my arm with his paw, then felt all 12-15 pounds on my back/shoulders. Luckily I’ve had a shoulder cat before, so I didn’t freak out, but I did almost get knocked over because he tried it a second time after I put him on the floor. Finding him a home might be harder than I thought...
I think he found the home he was looking for........YOU!
I really wish I could keep him! He’s an absolute goofy sweetheart who drools when you pet him, but I’ve got 3 girls that I cannot rehome at all. They tolerate each other but will not tolerate a 4th cat. You best believe I’m showering this cat with attention and love while he heals up.

In other foam related work, I’m going to either work on the knee plates, the boots, or maybe cod piece, gonna look over the files today. I know I don’t want to tackle the chest piece and helmet yet. I remember having this chest piece traced out on 3-4 foam mats....and just crafting sin flash backs...
I was ready to scrap this piece entirely because of how much trouble it was giving me. Stupid spartan bikini junk. It’s real ugly on the inside but I found another use for those interlocking pieces on the edge of the mats. Glad I didn’t give up half way through this but also just want to screech into the night about how frustrating this was. I will say I am extremely happy with how the carved sides came out those cuts are clean!
Running into an issue with the belt I’ll be using and looking for any advice, the pieces I cut out will not fit together once placed on the belt, so it’s looking like I might have to free hand the belt? This also means I’ll have to redo a lot of pieces... The belt if 2 inches wide and while I can glue the foam pieces to fit the width of the belt they won't be able to connect to each other.
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