Reach ending scene/credits/etc. discussion *MAJOR SPOILERS*

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Ya, Six is most likely dead. But "Spartans don't die, they are just missing in action" I'd like to think that before that Elite stabs Six with his blade you hear the report of a sniper rifle and that Elites head turns to mist. What can I say I like a happy ending.

Intresting thought to that do you see Emiles body anywhere around the MAC gun when you go up to fire it?
all i want to know, is what happened to jun? and trooper0261, i never thought that he could have survived that, but just have jumped to another place!
Yes. He's leaned against a fence with blood pooled around him. I'd say that jun is our only possible survivor- barring of course that kat wasn't dead and was instead saveable after her death scene. Imo she's d dead though. Wtf @that though.where were her shields at?
If you get sniped in the head in multiplayer I doubt shields would save you. Same goes for Kat.
Yeah I guess your right about that. But was it me or did it look like a human sniper rifle that took her out. Cause in this game there doesn't seem to be a beam rifle cause any other weapon wouldn't have broken through her shields in a single shot. Or is it in there and I just haven't seen it?
I actually though that the "Lone Wolf" ending tag was one of the few redeeming things about the campaign storyline. Something in Noble 6's body language as he is standing there waiting for the inevitable really hit the mark. He's not happy about it but by God, he's going to go down swinging...

On the other hand, not having any additional twist or scene after completing the campaign on Legendary was a HUGE disappointment - what was Bungie thinking on that one? It's almost like they were planning on doing "final scenes" for each member of Noble Team but were caught by either time or budgetary constraints and couldn't finish (and the Legendary ending got canned as well). That would certainly explain the whole "Jun running off to escort Dr. Halsey and disappearing" thing. At what point did Dr. Halsey become incapable of taking care of herself? It just seemed like a contrived excuse to remove another Noble Team member without much fanfare/gameplay.

We need a full game review section (vs. just the ending) - I would be curious to see what other people think about the whole experience...
Ok heres a intresting question why the heck did Noble 6 stay behind instead of getting on the Pelican? It seemed like it was just to fight against overcoming odds. If it was me I would have gotten my ass (pardon my language) on the ship.
Ok heres a intresting question why the heck did Noble 6 stay behind instead of getting on the Pelican? It seemed like it was just to fight against overcoming odds. If it was me I would have gotten my ass (pardon my language) on the ship.

"I've got the gun"

He needed to man the cannon to keep the sky clear for the PoA to take off (if I remember correctly)...
I feel bad, left out and disapointed:( Since this was the final halo game, I hoped for a huge epic ending like halo3! My guess that they left out stuff so that the stupid 343 industries would make cheap amines for the missing pieces:( I feel like bungie let all their fans down on this one:(
I will admit, I was expecting more from the ending. I was seriously perturbed when the credits began rolling the first time I played through. Lone wolf was the saving grace. Even then, I expected something seriously more epic for Halo's last hurrah. That being said, I enjoyed the game play and storyline, I felt very involved, and really love that they integrate your personalized character into the cutscenes. At times it felt sporadic, like you jumped around to much, maybe a little rushed, but I decided going into the game to take it as its own entity, vs the end of a saga, and so overall and loving all that is Reach. A truly epic ending would have been much better received though...
Why is master chief so special. how come on reach all the Spartans are out fighting the war and chief gets to hang out in a capsule. i was disappointed with bungie. i was really hoping that Master chief would have been included some other way. other then that the game was so damn brilliant.
I beat it last Wednesday, I loved all of it. the only concern i ever had was the AI. The warthog gunner shoots at Grunts while i'm trying to kill a wraith... This isn't normal concern, only on legendary, haha. I loved how we were able to use our own armor (out of freaking nowhere). I also would have liked to know what happened to a certain character that "disappears" towards the end of campaign. I loved the full circle ending too, and it made me wanna go play Halo: CE. I also found it amusing how the entire end of the game just blew the last half of Halo: The fall of Reach into little bite sized non-canon pieces. haha.
Also, I'm kinda miffed about Reach not having the Marathon emblem :/
I agree with the AI comment - easily the worst "friendly" AI of the last 3 games. I lost track of the number of times I saw my fellow UNSC BUMPING INTO Covenant forces with no reaction at all. They can't shoot, they can't drive (Especially Kat), and some of them can't die - just a terrible implementation (and I don't say that lightly). I just wanted them gone - if you can't get them right, then get them the -BLAM- off my screen...

The Covenant on the other hand had a GREAT AI. They (especially the Elites) actually used strategy and the map against you. Very impressive. I had more fun fighting the Covvies in Reach than ever before.
I still want to lay down on ym desktop and cry for a better ending. Oh wait, I already did:*(
I've actually started running through Legendary after completing it on Heroic and finding out that there's no special ending, that's just poor form Bungie. I don't really care much for e-peen points from achievements, I play for storyline and "completeness" of the game itself. I pushed through Legendary in Halo 3 just to see the extra cutscene I didn't see and it was sure as hell worth it. I could sit back and feel fully satisfied. They could have put a small cutscene with Jun / Halsey and cryo chief, SOMETHING than nothing extra :(

As for Reach, I have mixed feelings. Bungie actually have outdone themselves with the expansive nature of the missions, the epicness in some of the cutscenes, but it would have been even more enjoyable if you were a part of the big push against the covenant army in that flat area (start of mission 4/5?).

What I haven't liked is the weapon balance with meleeing and AR. The are hopeless now in campaign. I meleed an Elite 4 times and they still didn't go down (I ended up dying because the elite melees faster). The AR you need a whole clip and more to take anything down (and that is aiming burst-fire to the face). The lack of DMR ammo is annoying, and it seems to be the only common weapon that you treat each bullet like gold.

I'm sure there's more I can talk about, but I have to get back to work ... :(
i saw chief. i thought that it was an all round excellent game. furthermore the 'commendations' really force you to replay the game and use different play styles. same goes for multiplayer and matchmaking. also daily and weekly challenges were a good idea.

well done bungie.

now i wait for The Force Unleashed 2 and Dead Space 2
The Nobles did die, You can stand next to Emile's dead body.... and 6 did get a crap load of elites after him, But if you look the start of the game it is the ending of the game....

Any way. I didn't care much for the ending. Yes it put the loop in there for the first halo game, but I'm used to have to run from a falling apart, or about to explode ring. Not Here is your package, now let me go shot that corvette for you.
Also there is no hidden skulls, which I liked going and finding them.
The team did bother me somewhat. They just stand there and shot without killing a thing or did I miss something? Another thing, is that they just disappear sometimes. My friend and I tried to figure out where they go, like Kat in Mission 2. and they just stand out somewhere leaving you going in alone. Which doesn't make since...

Well other than that I like the game.
The Nobles did die, You can stand next to Emile's dead body.... and 6 did get a crap load of elites after him, But if you look the start of the game it is the ending of the game....

Any way. I didn't care much for the ending. Yes it put the loop in there for the first halo game, but I'm used to have to run from a falling apart, or about to explode ring. Not Here is your package, now let me go shot that corvette for you.
Also there is no hidden skulls, which I liked going and finding them.
The team did bother me somewhat. They just stand there and shot without killing a thing or did I miss something? Another thing, is that they just disappear sometimes. My friend and I tried to figure out where they go, like Kat in Mission 2. and they just stand out somewhere leaving you going in alone. Which doesn't make since...

Well other than that I like the game.

despite no skulls, there are 19 hidden datapads in game to find...
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