This will be a bit longer post, as I want to describe how I’m forming each section of this as I go. First, have a progress pic of where I’m currently at.
I will use the most recent piece I added, the heat shield, to describe the process.
This image highlights the area I’m working on, and provides reference images of the piece from different angles.
The first thing I do is carve the large, basic shape out of the insulation foam. According to the scale I am building at, and the thickness of the foam, 4 identical pieces are cut and stacked to make this part. I disregard any minor inconsistencies when cutting the biggest shape, as it will be sanded later. I then glue the 4 pieces together
Once I have the basic shape glued and assembled, I take my paper template and cut it into smaller details. Notice in the reference how the heat shield bevels near the top, just above the vent holes. This detail is drawn onto the outside faces of the piece.
The reference also shows a strong bevel on the back of the piece, and a curve inward on the bottom rear sides. These details are hand drawn onto the back face of the piece. The part I am going to cut off is indicated by the parallel pen lines.
I then cut off those sections with my snap blade. Again, I’m not concerned with making them perfect, because in the last step, I sand all the faces and dremel in the details. I am using a hand sander with 120 grit for a vast majority of the sanding. It is
very easy to remove too much foam too fast, so take your time with it.
After the part is sanded and detailed, I attach it to the larger piece. This is how I plan to assemble the rest as I work my way to the rear of the turret. Once I finish all the major construction, I’ll go back and add the minute details (rivets, bolts, etc.) and glue down any loose areas.