1st Build Reach Recon foam build (still wip) :)

I know for fabric wise people make ab wrap out of foam and skin them with different types of fabric as well or cut out out the shapes out of thin foam, plastidip them and attach them to a morph suit with e6000 or contact cement
I know for fabric wise people make ab wrap out of foam and skin them with different types of fabric as well or cut out out the shapes out of thin foam, plastidip them and attach them to a morph suit with e6000 or contact cement
Yeah i was thinking about that! Like do some thinner foam shapes, and cover/sew them onto the undersuit to give it that extra texture and different fabric look
Yeah i was thinking about that! Like do some thinner foam shapes, and cover/sew them onto the undersuit to give it that extra texture and different fabric look
I'm currently on a ab wrap for my mk.7 and gonna try and skin it in duct cloth to match my neck seal
Tiny update on the chest piece, thinking of doing it in three pieces(front, back, and gasket) to be able to velcro one to the other for easier suit up, but so far have the back mostly built aside from some tiny details. The front should probably take just as long. Plus the painting and lighting of everything. And then its just the feet! Well and undersuit but thats still being thought up lol

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is this going to be one half of a clam shell design, or how do you plan on strapping up the chest piece?
is this going to be one half of a clam shell design, or how do you plan on strapping up the chest piece?
Basically, so ill velcro the gasket parts to the back, slide the back on and then clam shell the front on with velcro on the shoulders and side straps. I think itd be a bit awkward trying to slide the chest on as one piece haha
Chest piece (albeit a bit crude) is assembled, clamshelled with velcro straps on the shoulders and sides. now just have to caulk the gaps, sand and paint. In the process of making the gasket which im planning to do a type of vest that will have velcro attachment points on the inside, out of foam and faux leather over top.

All thats left is the feet and spine, and adding padded 'armour' to the under suit torso :)


Get after it! looks great! Are you going to add any lights to the chest?
I am :) i have areas on the back, side straps and front that will have lights. As well as other parts of the armor. Just waiting to finish everything before wiring stuff up
Super quick test fit with everything, still need to paint the chest and add lights everywhere (chest, biceps, and thighs) as well as make the gasket for the chest and remake the thigh gaskets to make it a bit thinner foam for less tightness.


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I am so loving this suit!! You absolutely nailed the weathering, it looks great. Can’t wait to see it with lights too !!!
Thanks!! :) everythings wired up for lighting, next post should be in a bit once i finish the painting and soft pouch for the final product.
This turned out amazing so far! Can't wait to see it in person at Expo. Purple is my fave!

I applaud you for managing such a quick turn around. My Palmer Scout suit has been 3D Printing for almost 2 months and I'm only just hoping to reach primer this weekend.
This turned out amazing so far! Can't wait to see it in person at Expo. Purple is my fave!

I applaud you for managing such a quick turn around. My Palmer Scout suit has been 3D Printing for almost 2 months and I'm only just hoping to reach primer this weekend.
Purple is so nice!

Also dang, do you think you'll be able to finish for expo? If you do im excited to see it there!
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