1st Build Reach Recon foam build (still wip) :)

Purple is so nice!

Also dang, do you think you'll be able to finish for expo? If you do im excited to see it there!
I'm certainly going to try! But I have my new Cortana suit anyway so I'll still be able to costume with the booth.

I'm aiming to have everything sanded by Sunday, then paint and harnessing. And build the shins out of foam cause the 3d printed ones don't fit lol.
I'm certainly going to try! But I have my new Cortana suit anyway so I'll still be able to costume with the booth.

I'm aiming to have everything sanded by Sunday, then paint and harnessing. And build the shins out of foam cause the 3d printed ones don't fit lol.
Awe lame that the shins didnt fit, either way super excited to see you guys again!
Annnnd finished, for the most part. Theres still a couple tiny things but its set for the con in 2 days! Con crunch is real

thank you all for being on this journey with me, and for all the assistance with it! Looking forward to con!



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Oooooh turned out so good! I love how silvery you made certain parts of your armor. Are you going to do an ab wrap? If you dont want to do a full one, you could always do a partial one like mine.
Oooooh turned out so good! I love how silvery you made certain parts of your armor. Are you going to do an ab wrap? If you dont want to do a full one, you could always do a partial one like mine.
I have a little bit of leather in certain spots around the abdomen to kind of represent an ab wrap, tho i may eventually do a full one when i have more time
Annnnd finished, for the most part. Theres still a couple tiny things but its set for the con in 2 days! Con crunch is real

thank you all for being on this journey with me, and for all the assistance with it! Looking forward to con!

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You absolutely killed it! I got to see it yesterday at the Con and it looks great! I really like the color of purple you used.
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