So guys...tomorrow, we will be having a sweaty playlist. Meaning, we will be playing more competitive matches than before. If any of you guys can make it, that would be awesome.
We will be doing regular RvB slayer, but with a slight twist. Red team will be communicating
only with it's own team, and Blue team can only hear other blue team players, in order to isolate teams. This will only be temporary, after the sweaty matches, we can go back to regular fun stuff, but I wanted to really hone our skills and learn each other's Halo strengths and weaknesses as well as playstyle. If we can nail this, we will absolutely destroy our match-made competitors. so red and blue teams will be in their own parties.
The overall plan is to match up our fellow 405th teammates and get to know each other's playstyles to learn who plays what position the best.
Another thing I would like to do is play some elimination-style Reach combat, where we will face more desparate measures and truly push our skills to the limits and eventually become better players. Think of it like Breakout, but Reach style.
I think FFA is also pretty important for learning perfect map movement. In FFA, you have to know where everyone spawns on the maps, where people come from, etc. So I think this will be perfect for helping our skills improve.
In a nutshell, it's basically a training exercise/tournament.
SI3RRA 117,
TwinMustang, come and join!