oh man, major face palm to me. i must have misread, sorry about the confusion about the grandparents. guess it's been a short century since i swung by though.
dude. seriously, if i stood in front of a forest right now you wouldn't see me 'cause i am that green with envy... i can't believe how far along in this build you've come in such a short period. i've been stalled for weeks now, not entirely due to cold weather, but that is a big part of it. and the scaling, wow. it seems to be your forte, every piece fits you perfect. well done. can't wait to see the finished piece.
oh, and thanks for the help with the cookie, there's no way i could eat something that big. lol...
No worries man lol. Well no wonder i didnt see you out in the wilderness this last weekend lol your camo is great!

Thanks for the compliments, means a lot. There is a small update at the bottom on this today too :-D
And no problem with the cookie, its my vice lol
Thank you you already helped me out
give me some more progress ! i want to bro fist you with my armour when its finished !
Well glad i could help then

Well you're in luck, there is some pictures at the end of this post muahahahaha
Everything's looking great so far. Love the dummy! LOL. I found it was easier to pack it with walmart bags and newspaper when I did one for my son and then did mine. Keep up the good work.
Yeah i am probably going to pack the next one i make with something more sturdy. The little bean bag balls are great, but it was hard to pack them lol.
Well, it's about time. . . . .

I thought you dropped off the face of the planet or something. I was going through withdrawals. LOL!
Yeah yeah

i was in the mountains having fun lol, so i kinda did lol.
Well as promised, here are some pics for you all
First is my thighs, i modified them to fit my big legs, and they fit pretty good. Sorry if they look wierd atm, but i had to stand with my legs together so they wouldnt fall lol. I was home alone and had to take the picture myself lol
And here is my knife i worked on for a bit. Far from done, but it is going to be really cool. (i think anyways lol)
What i am doing with it in the end is making it like those costume knives that push into the handle when stabbed into something, and spring back out when let go.
Here is what i have so far.
First, this is the total length before i cut the blade out. (as you can see i already cut it out, but i forgot to take a pic lol)
Next is a close up of it cut out and then a sorta frontal so you can see the edge. I didnt put a really sharp looking edge on it because i didnt want to hurt anyone lol. so its more rounded than anything.
Here it aproxamately how long it will be extended with the handle
and here it is pushed in the handle. if you look closely you can see the tip of it.
Well thats all for the pics.
I am going to try and start resining everything this weekend if i get a chance. Also i might be redoing the chest. I ended up being picky and wanted the high def one instead lol.
Well ta ta for now everyone, have a great day, and remember Keep building and having fun!