Thanks to everyone who posted, it truly means a lot to me that you all like what i have done so far.
Rondo looks very nice and clean. Nice pep on the Jun Helmet too. Over all Both project are looking great. :cool
Thanks very much thorn

, Yeah this weekend i will probably be helping my friend resin his jun helmet. Glad you like it.
I'll second that. Nice rondo base. Looking forward to seeing it in 'glass'.
Thanks very much Red, i will probably be waiting untill after the halo 4 release to glass it to be honest. Just so i can save some time

but we will see, i got some more rondoed the other day and plan on doing more today after work, so i might have time before hand.
I too like your rondo coating. Definitely looks like your on your way to having a finished build. Great work. And the Jun helmet looks awesome also.
Sweet 3 people in a row like my rondoing! lol Thanks man! I am honestly right now just hopeing to have a wearable suit for the halo 4 release. After the release i plan on fixing, replasing, or just sprusing up some of the parts for a better looking suit of armor

and thanks for the helmet comment too.
well it's good to know that everyone likes your rondo, but come on it's just rondo he hasn't even got to the good part yet.
I know right! i guess i am doing something right lol. pppfffft good part, this whole process is the good part lol.
Thanks very much Justin :-D
MAte its im an important part that u take ur time . dont be sorry if u take longer than other ppl or than planed. i lovey our work and stay on the ball with the speed that u want !
So fox leader? is this a race or what? dont be a jerk dude . nobody is judging ur work as well . this forum should motivate and not downvote people. We are not all the same so let him do what he wants and HOW he wants. Sorry to say that but i dont think that your comment was necassery .
Well i plan on taking my time.... after the halo 4 release lol. Like stated above in my response to Spartan, i plan on having a wearable suit for the halo 4 release, and after that then i will make everything better
So fox leader? is this a race or what? dont be a jerk dude . nobody is judging ur work as well . this forum should motivate and not downvote people. We are not all the same so let him do what he wants and HOW he wants. Sorry to say that but i dont think that your comment was necassery.
I'm not dissing him, the rondo is just the first of many steps plus he's trying to get done for halo 4 so yeah it's a bit of a race.
@pig, thanks for sticking up for me, means a lot mate. But as you can see Fox meant no harm.
@fox, your right, i do want to finish before halo 4. and i will definately finsih a wearable suit by then. and as stated above in this post (twice) lol i will be making the suit better after the release
I just dont want anyone being mad at anyone here, we are all a communtiy and a great on at that.
Ok so this is a lot of typing for me, my fingers are tired lol.
Anywho, as stated above, i have rondoed a few more pieces and plan to do more today after work. Sorry no pics, it got dark and i spaced it. I will take some today though for you all i promise.

okay thats all for now, have a great day everyone :-D