Roll Call

Name: Gregg
Age: 41
Location: Tampa area
Career: Pilot

Just moved down here from Wisconsin. Working on upgrading my Chief armor currently. 3D printer is going non stop! Hope to meet some fellow members soon!
Name: Matthew
Age: 16
Location: jacksonville area
Career: none yet
im pretty damn big fan of halo and destiny, finished up my destiny cosplay and wore it to wasabicon two days ago, and am currently working on a marine cosplay
Where to meet me: i go to wasabi con, orlando comic con, megacon, and gaurdian con, ill either be a r6s mute or a destiny 2 warlock.
Name: Jess, P17, SpartanProps, Noodle
Where your located: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Occupations: Foamsmith, automotive shop counterman, Auto detailer, Producer for "The First Layer" show on youtube
About you: Huge halo fan (obviously), I like hugs, ramen noodles, pasta and tea. I also like to draw and paint as well as 3D print.
Favorite Conventions (where we can most likely meet up with you): Calgary comic and entertainment expo and otafest. If it is an annual occurance you will also find me at Halo Outpost Discovery, either in canada if they do one, or in Anaheim.
Fayetteville, NC
Paid occupations: US Army EOD Team Leader, commercial rated pilot
Unpaid: aircraft builder, SCUBA, marksmanship competitions, 3D printing, etc.
About: I started building an ODST set back in 2013 while I was stationed in Korea. Sadly, it was destroyed in shipping. I'm looking at starting a new one and making it durable. Inspiration is current 89D career field and the ODST design.
Name Chris
Age 34
Where your located: Concord, North Carolina
Occupations: controls Engineer
About you. I just got access to a 3d printer so I'm printing off my first Spartan armor based on Reach. I very knowledgeable in history and I do a lot of research into what ever I do. Hope to see yall around.
Favorite Conventions: I'm shooting to have my armor ready by ConCarolina in May.
Posted in the main board new member section, but I'll copy/paste here as well.

Name: James. Swirlie is a handle I picked up thanks to partying back in the old-school heydays of the 501st!
Profession: Professional Couch Potato (med retired US Army)
Age: 39
Favorite Hobby: Costuming! :D
Favorite part of halo: Would it be terrible of me to just say the majesty that was original Halo when it first released on PC so many years ago?
Favorite Halo: Dunno. I mean, CE was game-changing at release, but each has its moments.
Favorite Video Game: Don't really have a single favorite. I love lots of games, lots of genres. Favorites change over time anyways.
Favorite Food: Steak
Favorite Finisher: Well I tend to stick with rustoleum, but Testors clear from years ago (think they quit making it) was probably the best IMHO.
Other: I've led a pretty varied life. I've been everything from a graphic designer to a cop to an infantryman. Nowadays I just enjoy costuming.

I'm involved with a lot of costuming. I do occasional builds for 501st costumes with a local armorer here in my area (can't even begin to guess how many shoretrooper and deathtrooper builds I've done over the years) but having a fully-equipped shop with all manner of power tools is a super handy resource. I've always looked at the 405th costumes I see at cons and wanted to join in, but only recently decided to branch out beyond the 501st. I've done some foam work before, I built a Fallout heavy raider armor (the 'cage' style one with the big bars that go up over the head, big tanks on the back) that tons of photographers have taken pics of at various conventions and I'm sure I could google myself and find some pics of that floating around. I'm looking at getting into some Marine armor because of the ease of foam construction and the reduced cost vs trying to find an ABS/HIPS set of Spartan armor. I also have the luck of being in an area with a pretty active costume community, and spreading out beyond the 501st and getting active in the various games and movies I enjoy is something I'm looking forward to. Nice to meet all of you!
Posted in the main board new member section, but I'll copy/paste here as well.

Name: James. Swirlie is a handle I picked up thanks to partying back in the old-school heydays of the 501st!
Profession: Professional Couch Potato (med retired US Army)
Age: 39
Favorite Hobby: Costuming! :D
Favorite part of halo: Would it be terrible of me to just say the majesty that was original Halo when it first released on PC so many years ago?
Favorite Halo: Dunno. I mean, CE was game-changing at release, but each has its moments.
Favorite Video Game: Don't really have a single favorite. I love lots of games, lots of genres. Favorites change over time anyways.
Favorite Food: Steak
Favorite Finisher: Well I tend to stick with rustoleum, but Testors clear from years ago (think they quit making it) was probably the best IMHO.
Other: I've led a pretty varied life. I've been everything from a graphic designer to a cop to an infantryman. Nowadays I just enjoy costuming.

I'm involved with a lot of costuming. I do occasional builds for 501st costumes with a local armorer here in my area (can't even begin to guess how many shoretrooper and deathtrooper builds I've done over the years) but having a fully-equipped shop with all manner of power tools is a super handy resource. I've always looked at the 405th costumes I see at cons and wanted to join in, but only recently decided to branch out beyond the 501st. I've done some foam work before, I built a Fallout heavy raider armor (the 'cage' style one with the big bars that go up over the head, big tanks on the back) that tons of photographers have taken pics of at various conventions and I'm sure I could google myself and find some pics of that floating around. I'm looking at getting into some Marine armor because of the ease of foam construction and the reduced cost vs trying to find an ABS/HIPS set of Spartan armor. I also have the luck of being in an area with a pretty active costume community, and spreading out beyond the 501st and getting active in the various games and movies I enjoy is something I'm looking forward to. Nice to meet all of you!
brkiker Alpha lend a hand please to our new Southern member!
@brkiker @Alpha lend a hand please to our new Southern member!

brkiker is already on it lol. I've known him for a few years in the local costume groups and he's done some shop stuff with the 501st armorer I do suit builds for. At a local event the other night we talked for a bit, he helped narrow down costume options, and I'm sure he'll be more involved as things move forward. :)

Looking at Alpha 's profile, I don't think we've met but I think I've seen that costume at Pensacon before!
Name: Kat Wood (AsamiZed on pretty much everything)
Age: 34
Where your located: Shalimar, Florida
Occupations: Owner of AsamiZed's Handcrafted
I make/sell jewelry and cosplay props/items. I vendor at festivals and Ren fairs
About you: Cosplayer and mother of two mini cosplayers. Sewing, foam work, and wire/metal work are my jam. And of course Halo lover. I went to y'all's panel this year at Pensacon and absolutely had to join. Can't wait to learn more and expand my abilities with y'all.
Favorite Conventions: Pensacon
Name: Sean "Doc" Kakta
Age: 19
Location: Bethesda, MD
Occupation: USN Hospital Corpsman
About me: Huge gamer, grew up on Halo, new to bringing halo to life. Going through The War-Drobe Armory with NobleofDeath16 to get a set of ODST Armor commissioned so I can troop around. Play Airsoft nationally and also practice various martial arts as a hobby. Looking to meet more like minded halo fanatics and look forward to attending more cons after the Corona blows over.
Cons: Attend OTAKON, KATSUCON, and looking to attend others so hmu.

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Name: Bryce Blankman aka (Tabby)
Age: 15
Location: Stuart, Florida
Occupation: Full time student (also trying to get into YouTube and stuff)
About Me: I just recently got into prop making late last year as well as model making (planes and stuff). I have always thought it would be cool to have my own set of Spartan Armour ever since I first got into Halo and I decided to look for tutorials and start building stuff. I am a PC and Xbox gamer and am currently playing through the entire Halo series (by release order) on Xbox which makes me even more hyped about the props lmao. At the time of this post I'm currently working on a Halo 3 ODST magnum and I'm really excited to join this community!
Favorite Conventions: (I've never been to one but I hope I can soon!) :p
Name:Matthew(Matt or Sanda)
Age: 25
location: New Orleans, Louisiana( Dallas Texas due to Covid and other situations)
Occupation: Security guard(unemployed atm)
About me: im a cosplayer for going on 8 years and a gamer. Im also a anime weeb and very friendly guy with autism. I do craft at a intermediate level and do photos as well.
Favorite Conventions: Mechacon, Louisianime, Wizard World NOLA , SawaCon, AWA and soon Dragon Con


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Name: Briar Humphreys
Age: 30
Where your located: Nashville TN
Occupations: 3D Systems mold tech
About me: I have made three halo suits, all foam and pepakura builds. I own a small 3d printer. I have done many molds and props. Not all Halo. I have a wife, two kids, and a third on his or her way. I rarely have time to do much of anything anymore but I do know a thing or two about "creating or making" props. Done it for about 9 years strong now.
Favorite Conventions: Dragon Con, Nashville Con, Chattanooga cons, and some in Memphis.
Name: Briar Humphreys
Age: 30
Where your located: Nashville TN
Occupations: 3D Systems mold tech
About me: I have made three halo suits, all foam and pepakura builds. I own a small 3d printer. I have done many molds and props. Not all Halo. I have a wife, two kids, and a third on his or her way. I rarely have time to do much of anything anymore but I do know a thing or two about "creating or making" props. Done it for about 9 years strong now.
Favorite Conventions: Dragon Con, Nashville Con, Chattanooga cons, and some in Memphis.
Hey Brian! I'm also in Nashville, \0/ nice to see some other 405th in the area!
I guess I never did this. Well, here is me:

Name: Keegan
Age: 26
location: Roanoke, Virginia (not the lost colony)
Occupation: EMT-B accepted to PA school starting Aug 2021
About me: brand new to cosplay, I'm working on my first suit - ODST! Fitness enthusiast and moderate gamer. I have a wife and cutie pup and our first child is due at the end of the year!
Favorite Conventions: I have only been to the small local con "Big Lick Comicon" and only been there once. It was pretty fun and I look forward to going to bigger ones once my ODST is finished!
Name: Daniel / Dani
Age: 20
Where your located: Tampa, FL
Occupations: Customer Service for Grocery Retailer
About you: OOOFFF, where do I start? I've been playing Halo for about as long as I can remember. It's been a part of my life since Combat Evolved came out and Halo's been very influential in my life. Apart from playing video games, I also like to do CrossFit, cook, and read. I have a passion for BMWs and Teslas. Would love to make paintball a hobby after experiencing it twice.
Favorite Conventions: Never been to one. Hoping to change that soon!
Name(if you have a nickname or call tag): Sora or Ghost works (Ghost because thats my Tag on xbox)
Age: 18 (19 next month)
Where your located: NC coast side
Occupations: Student/Cook at Bojangles
About you.: Always been in love with halo, grew up with it and dreamed about cosplaying. Finally trying to start and learn how to do all this. Other than that I game on xbox and PC if you would like to play sometime lmk.
Favorite Conventions (where we can most likely meet up with you): I've never been to one.

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