RoxyRoo's Reach Build + Undersuit

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I was fortunate enough to have encountered this bad boy (girl?) Irl this weekend, and believe me, its worth waiting for. Awesome work rox- too bad the sound guy was such a pro though.
Just wanna say...WOW! Just a beautiful build, your detail work really is amazing and paid off very well, awesome build! Are we gonna see any pictures of the entire finished product? I hope so, again great job!
We need pictures!!!


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Roxy you're armor turned out looking awesome. I love...LOVE the paint you did on it.:D

I did a re-post on FB, I hope you don't mind, it was just to good not to. But I'll let you up-date you're build page so as not to spoil the fun for you.:cool

Everyone else is just going to have to wait :p
Hey guys, I'm back from Phoenix Comicon! Needless to say, I wore my armor and I had a blast. I wore my armor for 3 days and I'm so happy it held up so well! I only had one malfunction but it was fixed the next morning with hot glue. I found a few other people from 405th, including TheLastODST and Rosh. There was one more, but I can't remember his name. He was with his girlfriend (who he's building a Mando for, I believe). The shoes made a huge difference. Because I made them out of foam, my feet didn't really hurt all con! Weeee! I did enter the masquerade, but I'll rant about that later. >_>;

I'll post pictures now and then write another post replying to your questions from earlier.

This was our corner for the Con. Me, CheshFire, and CrimsonValkyrie met up here so I could suit up inside away from the AZ heat and also sit and eat our lunches. (we caught a lucky break. The weather cooled down to 85-ish this weekend so I could leave my armor in the car when not wearing it). The girl sitting there next to my tub full of armor is my dear friend Sam cosplaying Roy Mustang from FMA.

Met up with some Space Marines on my arrival. The guy on the right also cosplays an amazing Link, and the guy on the left is Arizona Avenger's Thor cosplayer. They used the same material as me for most of their armor, but they used Modge Podge to seal the foam instead of Plasti-dip. We hung out for a bit and got interviewed by "TwistedManga", a news network for anime cosplayers.

I found someone to share a.. touching moment with. XD Later, it turned out she was a girl under there. We both laughed our heads off.


Me with TheLastODST. He got his armor done too! Strangely, we only met up for like 10 minutes and then he disappeared. >.> Before leaving, he was kind enough to let me get some cool shots with his pistol. Thankyou TheLastODST!!!





I have NO idea what this guy was, but he was nucking futs fantastic. D8 And super tall!

STICKY GRENADE OH NOOOOOOO!!!!! The sticky was provided by TNXB Creations, a prop booth that was at the dealer hall. The guy was totally cool and let me borrow his halo pistol for the whole weekend! I even got to use it in the masquerade (again, I'll rant about the masq later...). I made sure to take good care of it and pose with it as often as I could, always giving him creds when people asked about it. And when the dealer hall closed, I gave it back to him and gave him a big (clanky) hug! Thankyou so much, man!

oh yeah, but the sticky stayed with him. Although it was magnetic and could actually "stick" to my thigh, I didn't want to chance losing it.

Me hugging Mjolnir in my Mjolnir armor!!! XD

Found an ebay Master Chief and battled with him against Shredder (who was cosplayed by my friend Matt). Matt did such a great job! XD I was so happy to find another Spartan, I gave him a hug. But this morning I found out that Canadian42283 was there. But I never found him!! Q_Q How come I could never find you, Greg??? I'm so sad face now!




Since this was the first time I got to wear my armor in it's entirety, I found quite a few things I need to modify.

--The belly armor as a hole needs to be longer. My mannequin, although helpful, turned out not to be long enough for my real body and I naturally don't slouch. I'll be extending my black belly plate and remaking my colored belly plate to be longer.
-- The helmet needs a fan in it. I don't mind it being hot in there, but I completely forgot that my tiny "visor" eye hole fogs up just like anyone else's visor would. XD Oops.
-- Other things are minor adjustments. Strapping fixes and such on my spine piece and shoes, and also making my pants stay up better.

-- NONE of the weapons you see me with are mine. They belong to TheLastODST and TNXB Creations. (Incase you didn't read the descriptions above).

I had SO much fun this weekend. I do have more pictures (and videos), but they are on my friend's cameras. I'll upload them when I get them. Thankyou all for sticking with me through this build and constantly giving me so much encouragement. You have no idea how much it means to me. Thankyou. <33
First off pics look amazing as do you. Glad you had a good time, so Jeleous! Wish I could be over there with you all. Hopefully the kinda con we get here is as fun as yours looks, will find out in a years time I guess.
Roxy, may I say how proud we all are of what you accomplished. I want you to know, that you were the driving force to get me back in building my armor. I had been procrastinating for so long until I saw what you had done. The method of using the foamies may have been done before, but you perfected the process. I had lost hope that a helmet could be made out of foam, but I guess we now know how wrong I was. My work will continue. You have inspired not only me, but legions of builders. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!!!!!!!!

Wow, your suit looks so amazing! I'm glad you had fun at the Con, it looks like you met a bunch of cool people too! I just showed these pictures to my buddy, Deathofire (who is currently out in my garage working on his suit), and all he could say was "Gungir.... gaaahhh... Ohmyflippingawd Ryan, do you see that?! Gahhhh...." xD
Great pics ! Great costume!

I'm so glad that you had an awesome time and I'm sure that everyone who's weapon you modelled was super glad also to get their props seen with such an amazing cosplay.

Also, you never explained what happened with the masquerade, now I'm really curious!
Been lurking this thread for quite some time and I must say, the suit looks fantastic! Your an inspiration to all!
I asked for pictures and my wish was granted :D

Awesome looking armor there, congratulations! You should be very, very proud of your accomplishment and your skills!

Also, Elite section now?
Looks up at the up corner...Hmmm nope not yet. When this get moved to the elite section (which should be soon) we'll be even happier for you Roxy.

But for now it's time to tell you how you're work has inspired so many builders out there. Yes you. You're foam work is just amazing. The amount of detail that you were able to get out of the EVA mats and Foamie's just blows my mind. (I'm learning tho, yes even a old dog like me can learn new tricks.) ;) Then you go and do all the sewing just to kick it up a notch, also awesome. But that wasn't enuff no, not for you, You just had to go and detail it with all that art work in you're paint job. (2 thumbs up). So yes you should be proud of you're build and I happy for you that you had such a great time at you're con. The pic's just take it up one more rung by the way.:D

OK now whom do we have to go ask to get this moved to the ELITE section as a display of not only "How to do a foam build" but also how to make it a personal, one of a kind "work of art" with that paint job.:cool

Till you're next post have fun.:D
looks up at the up corner...hmmm nope not yet. When this get moved to the elite section (which should be soon) we'll be even happier for you roxy.

But for now it's time to tell you how you're work has inspired so many builders out there. Yes you. You're foam work is just amazing. The amount of detail that you were able to get out of the eva mats and foamie's just blows my mind. (i'm learning tho, yes even a old dog like me can learn new tricks.) ;) then you go and do all the sewing just to kick it up a notch, also awesome. But that wasn't enuff no, not for you, you just had to go and detail it with all that art work in you're paint job. (2 thumbs up). So yes you should be proud of you're build and i happy for you that you had such a great time at you're con. The pic's just take it up one more rung by the way.:d

ok now whom do we have to go ask to get this moved to the elite section as a display of not only "how to do a foam build" but also how to make it a personal, one of a kind "work of art" with that paint job.:cool

Till you're next post have fun.:d

^everything he just said and more^
There was one more, but I can't remember his name. He was with his girlfriend (who he's building a Mando for, I believe).

That would be me! Fantastic looking armor Roxy. I'm glad to have finally met you in person yesterday. I was surprised I only saw you twice throughout the entire weekend, then again I was by the Star Wars booth in my Mando half of the time, the other half running around assassinating people in my Ezio.

Thorn's right, your build does need to get moved to the Elite section. Seeing yours, and the other 405th members' builds make me desperately want to finish mine. Well done!
ROXY! Your armor is just astounding!
I loved watching your armor progress from start to finish and it just makes me want to push even harder to finish mine.
You are an inspiration to everyone who has had the pleasure of seeing your armor in person and online. The mods better jump on this thread quick and get you into the Elite section because EVERYONE needs to know how great you are!
Congrats on the build and I can't wait to see what else you'll have up your sleeve!
<3 you, RoxyRoo!

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