In short news, I made a cosplay page on Facebook. I've been getting random friend requests from people I don't know for I'm assuming because of my tagged cosplay photos. If you would like to follow, then please check it out.
RoxyRoo Cosplay:
Phoenix ComiCon 2012
Phoenix ComiCon was a lot of fun this year. I was able to finished my spartan friday morning and then I trooped in it for 3 days. I'm SO happy that it held together so well! The shoes were surprisingly comphy, as they were my normal sneakers stuffed inside a foam boot. Those foam boots probably saved my feet a lot of pain from walking so much. haha It was awesome to finally troop in my armor. It was hilarious to see the look on people's faces to see, when I took my helmet off, that i was a chick. lol. XD Cool thing.. I met a guy who used to work at 343 Industries. His name was John. He seemed to be as excited to see me as I was excited to meet him. He gave me a signed Halo novel, and as a thankyou, I drew him a sketch. Thankyou so much, John! I've already read the first chapter. <3
I also wore my steam punk bustle dress and Link (LoZ). My friend Rick was able to wear his Ganon cosplay, even though it wasn't complete. My friend ~CrimsonValkyrie got her Cortana done at the last minute. Even though the convention was "over", since it was sunday evening, we wandered around and did some shenanigans. We recorded our antics, but I want to wait and edit them with after effects and premiere before I show you guys. I promise it'll be fun to watch.
My skit is at 12:03 -->
I entered the masquerade, but alas, my audio was screwed up. I spent 3 hours recording, editing, and mixing my own audio for a solo, 28-second skit to perform on stage. I gave it to the sound guy personally, but despite that, a lot of things went wrong. Anyone can tell you that the masquerade was far from a success this year. There are a LOT of people/reasons to blame, not just one. For one, the anime crowd decided to boycott because they wanted to try something new. WHY??? the audience was TINY. Honestly, grow up people. You should go to support the contestants and to enjoy watching the show, not any other reason. Second, many of the contestants themselves dropped out during the Masquerade.
During! That is even more immature and rude than boycotting it. Because they dropped out, the list could no longer be accurately followed, and because of that, the announcers (poor Kevin!) couldn't introduce the following contestants right and also the sound guy couldn't get his audio correct. As much as I'd like to blame the sound guy and ruining both my skit and chance at a prize, it was not his fault!
To clarify, the entire last third of the masquerade's audio had issues. My own audio was switched to a random song. I went on stage, doing my skit, but then realized halfway through that it wasn't my audio. Angry, I thought, "Well if you're trolling me right now, I'm gonna troll you right back!!!" ... So I started t-bagging. Then I made my exit. I fumed backstage for about 10 minutes, and found out that other contestants had similar complaints, everything to having NO sound (poor Miku cosplayer!) to having their skits cut short. I'm not angry about not winning. I've won prizes before, and honestly, that Cad Bane cosplayer was a badass and I loved his skit. What I am angry about is that I didn't get to perform the way I wanted to.
Despite this fiasco, the end was lightened. The judges explained some of the behind the scenes issues (the list getting ruined) and Kevin, the announcer, gave his apologies and also gave some insight to the issues (the boycott and contestants dropping like flies). Lastly, I was told that my ad-libbed skit was one of the few to get a good laugh out of the crowd. Yay for t-bagging. lol
Ah good a helmetless pic, not saying we don't love that helmet it is probably the best foam helmet out there now

Don't worry about the lack of a smile I am sure you had an exhausting weekend.
Side note. I know what you mean about friend requests. After commenting on the pic of you on "history of Halo" I got random friend requests here and Facebook.
Yeah. I was really tired on monday. XD I slept for 12 hours straight!!!
I decided to make a separate cosplay page. >.>; Hopefully future tags will lead there instead of my private account.
Turned out so awesome! [I love how I totally troll your whole vid you posted

You should post that video on your Cortana thread. It has more of your costume in it anyway. XD
Awesome ! You met up with Ragnar Blackmane, that space wolf space marine on the right in your photo
Yes. Yes I did.
Totally late to the party on commenting, but it
really looks amaaazing all together! I'm glad you were able to finish in time!
Your whole build has been awesome to watch, and a fantastic spark of inspiration. Like so many others have already stated (and I'm sure so many more would agree), your craftsmanship, thoroughness, and ingenuity totally scream ELITE STATUS! Fantastic job
I can't wait to see how
yours turns out! We it's finished, maybe we can figure out a meet up someday and troop together as Spartan chicks! XD
And as for not smiling... I found a pic with me smiling. A very tired smile, but still a smile.