The new improved helmet is looking much better and good to see that you got it further than I did with my ironman pep build. One thing I will add, due to doing lots of reading before I started mine but never got to it. Have you thought of removing the ears, build a flat surface in there, then make the ears separate so you can get the detailing perfect then attach the ears once you have them spot on. After building an ironman helmet out of pep and bondo (never posted it though) I cut my ears out and made them separate and made life so much easier. Ok I didn't in any way finish it but even imagining how hard it would be to get them right while still on the helmet hurt my brain
Either way as a big Ironman fan I can't wait to see how this turns out.
P.S. Are you gunna fatten out that bottom lip? I think you should. I do realise it is not near finished so I guess you already have though of that
Also are you going to cut the face plate out and put in servos to have it open. Or install magnets so you can take it off and attach it to your head. If you haven't the skills for the motors then at some point soon I will have my MK VI helmet made and will be using the magnet technique so you might want to give it a though and check it out. In my MK V helmet I have the slits under the lights in the eyes and although you can see ok it's not ideal all the time. So for my MK VI build I am going for rare earth magnets so if/when/will be getting Claustrophobic I can take the face off and pop it on top of my head. It does get a little too much after a while in the helmet.