Glad you're okay! Damn the flood.
"I don't know what's weirder, that you're fighting a stuffed animal, or that you seem to be losing" - Suzie
Don't always look at it as bad thing. Don't get me wrong, a natural disaster never makes life pleasant. Actually there is a lot of good that comes from it. Contrary to Secular media, or big news Corps, that tend to twist the truth, bashing people, and focusing on more of the negative. Which isn't always the case, but it's pretty often. I guess to plainly put it, it's what's most popular, or serving a political agenda. Anyways.
Now to the good stuff. It's an opportunity for God to show off his muscles! It's a story of resilience! Heard a story of a family's friend dropping everything. He used his vacation time to come to help his friends rebuild their home. This guy lives all the way in Chicago! Communities coming across the state of Louisiana to help assist with anything that is needed. There is always FEMA, but it's like neighbors, and total strangers just dropping everything to help anyone they can. It's just to say, we don't always need Government assistance. Usually they are slow to respond to helping the American people. It's just beautiful to see people come together as one! Also, just throwing this out there, our President is on vacation playing golf somewhere. Sorry, if I was in his shoes I would have dropped what I was doing and come to visit the American people! Not upset by it, just saying. Never spoke to my neighbors until this flood.
Just goes to show how we can get caught up into ourselves. Not to say that our lives don't matter, we just sometimes go through the same routine week, after week, and then sometimes missing out on the things that really matter. Material things can be replaced, but people are cannot be replaced.
To express more of my view of all this, there is a song out right now by Matthew West, the song is called Mended. The Lyrics go like this.......
When you see broken beyond repair
I see healing beyond belief
When you see too far gone
I see one step away from home
When you see nothing but damaged goods
I see something good in the making
I'm not finished yet
When you see wounded, I see mended
You see your worst mistake
But I see the price I paid
There's nothing you could ever do, to lose what grace has won......
Basically, this is how God views us in the times where we just feel all is lost. Sometimes situations cause us to finally lay everything down, and then look up to one who holds everything thing together!
To honor him, let's do something good for someone else, one baby step at a time, one day at time, for His glory! We can make a difference!