Foam Sharkface, a change of plan.


In a previous thread I made said I wanted to make a DTF ODST armor set I had into the Insurrectionist leader from RvB. However after not doing much of that for weeks and playing around while foam smithing, I started building a season 9 Sharkface, in hopes to wear it for Planet Comicon March 8th-10th.


I've used the body from the ODST as a starting point, as the grenadier chest plate and backpack cover so much of it, you won't see enough to know it's under there. I'm honestly not entirely happy with the proportions, as it looks too small, or more like not bulky enough. But to be fair this is RvB, it's not halo and I'm not really going for Tier 3 (yet...). So I've decided to keep it the way it looks and call it "My personal vision" or something like that. There's still a bunch of detail I need to get on but other than that the chest is pretty much ready


Next on the completed list are the Commando shoulders. These came after the chest and followed the same philosophy as the chest. They're definitely a little more flat than they should be, and there's a few detail bits I intentionally didn't make. I haven't decided if I want them to attach with velcro or use the same strap system that the shoulders on the base ODST used. Besides needing a attachment system, the shoulders are done.

The next parts I'm going to make will be the backpack and the ODST Mickey shoulders that Sharkface uses as gauntlets/Hand guards. I'm hoping to have this wearable for Planet so I gotta get the important stuff made first. While they won't be accurate to Sharkface, i do still have all the leg armor for the DTF ODST so I can afford to do thoes last. I also have to dye the visor red and chrome it so the most important detail of the whole character is ready.

As always, thank you for reading, and make it a good day.
Update #1

Spent a good amount of time last night building the backpack and adding to other stuff, so let's get into it. This one will be picture heavy.

First off thing I'm gonna say, the backpack sucks to build when you don't have experience lol. The backpack at a glance looks to be a flame marine tank, but with the help of the DVD commentary of season 9, painful precise pausing, and research done by other users, you will find the backpack is actually a jetpack without the jets on the top. The tank itself is also made from the jetpack. It's one of the jets blown up large and resized a bit. Finnaly, the top center has a red and silver part right behind the head, made fom one of the covers for the jets. One of these is on the front of the flamethrower as well. As this is a simplified version, I made the backpack shorter, but did try to keep it looking like it could still be the jetpack. I plan to add most of the details to the tank however as they won't require much work to accomplish. I have a 3/8 black hose to connect the tank to the flamethrower, but I'd like to make it detachable like an air hose incase I want to use just the weapon for something else. Once the small details are finished on the whole body, it's off to paint prep.

The flamethrower itself finnaly got some work done. The main details are on, and now its time for the small bits like small hoses and the cluster on the very bottom at the back where the hose will feed into.


And finnaly, shoulders are done. I went with the straps ad clips like the odst armor originally used rather than velcro. Very pleased with the results, and they don't catch on the chest like I thought they would.

All that's left are the gauntlets and the legs, don't havemuch time left but I'm confident i can have this thing ready by March for Planet.

Thanks for reading, and make it a good day.
Okay, this is seriously awesome and I can't wait to see this all done, especially now that you're doing Sharkface instead!! The flame thrower is going to be so sick. Crazy deadline, I wish you luck! I thought my mid-April deadline was over ambitious, but now I'm inspired to get er done lol. Keep the updates coming, I'm invested !!!
Looking great mate, I love the flame thrower! It's cool to see another RVB build, season nine's animation was awesome. I was a bit of a shame all the swearing they had in the episodes, but I guess they were soldiers so you'd expect that from them.
Okay, this is seriously awesome and I can't wait to see this all done, especially now that you're doing Sharkface instead!! The flame thrower is going to be so sick. Crazy deadline, I wish you luck! I thought my mid-April deadline was over ambitious, but now I'm inspired to get er done lol. Keep the updates coming, I'm invested !!!
Thank you! As the director always said. "It's good to have ambition". How's your Agent Wasinton coming along? I look forward to having someone shoot a rocket launcher that bounces at me lol
Thank you! As the director always said. "It's good to have ambition". How's your Agent Wasinton coming along? I look forward to having someone shoot a rocket launcher that bounces at me lol
Making slow but steady progress! I finally got my helmet in from Branfuhr Studios, just need to add padding. Working on finishing the shins and calves tomorrow hopefully! Still need to do a build thread and may have to add a (bouncing) rocket launcher to the to-do list lol.
Update #2

Finnaly experienced my first fail. I had just enough thick foam left to finis the legs. However when making the thighs, I accidentally cut one too small, and didn't realize until I test fit with the gaskets. The other one is finished but I'll have to find one of my floor mats to redo the first one.

Messing up on this really put me in a bad mood as it sets me back a day and im out of the good foam now, but I'll stop here for the night and try again tomorrow.

Thanks for reading, and make it a good day.
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Looking great mate, I love the flame thrower! It's cool to see another RVB build, season nine's animation was awesome. I was a bit of a shame all the swearing they had in the episodes, but I guess they were soldiers so you'd expect that from them.
Thank you much! Season 9 was always my favorite as a kid, seeing all the action in just animation was wicked cool and it was nice to finnaly see North and Carolina. As for the swearing, the Blood Gulch Chronicles had alot of swearing too. To be honest I kinda tuned it out and don't notice it all that much.
The PVC pipe frame idea is awesome! How light/heavy is the prop?
Thank you, I actually copied the design from StgSkittle117. I would say it's light enough I don't get tired carrying it, a kid could even pick it up. But its also heavy enough that I can't hold it straight very easily one handed. If you've ever held the Nerf Vulvan, it's around the same weigh as that without the batteries.
Update #3

Great progress made in the last couple days. I finished all the details on the chest and flamethrower, and managed to slavage the thigh I messed up on. It's not as good as the other one but it will do. But the best part is I got the visor done.

Each tooth is hand cut from blank sticker labels. I don't want to do that again honestly but the results made it worth it. Keeping with the "personal vision" theme, I went with a simple red visor rather than a chromed visor.

The only armor peices left are the Mickey shoulders on the gauntlets, and the shins! Everything else has been finished and once these last parts are made ill begin with heat sealing, plastidiping, and priming.

If I can get this done before the next weekend the ill have a whole week For things to dry, cure, and air off before making the trip to Kansas city. It's been a long and busy week, but here we are. Super happy with everything so far.

As always, thanks for sticking with this week long speed run of an armor set, and let's make it a great day!
I’m seriously SO impressed with how fast you’re pulling this together! How many hours do you think you’ve put into it so far?
The helmet looks so awesome! Absolutely genius using sticker labels, but wow I can feel the hand cramps from here lol!
I’m seriously SO impressed with how fast you’re pulling this together! How many hours do you think you’ve put into it so far?
The helmet looks so awesome! Absolutely genius using sticker labels, but wow I can feel the hand cramps from here lol!
I would say probably 20 hours? It now occurs to me i never really did log how long its taken to build this. Every time i worked on it i usually started around 10 pm and went to 1 am at the latest. Usually if im in the discord VC, im working on it.
Update #4
Im about 3 weeks late on this update so here we go.

Theres still plenty i want to improve on the armor, such as the proper gauntlets and shins, a bigger and more accurate looking chest, and so on. But at this time he's done, and after a test drive at Planet Comicon im VERY happy with how he turned out!


The flamethrower did have a issue with parts falling off, so ill have to build that better.

But anyways, that concludes this cosplay for now! Next im currently building a CE Marine, but after that I want to keep chugging away at these RvB cosplays. Agent Maine of course is a popular one, but Florida and Locus are of interest to me too.

If i make any major changes to the aromor ill update this thread, but until then, ill see you guys in the next one. Thanks for following this build, and lets make it a good day.
Yes, the update I’ve been waiting for !! It turned out so awesome, glad you were able to pull it off in time for Planet. Can’t wait to see what you build next!
Update #4
Im about 3 weeks late on this update so here we go.

Theres still plenty i want to improve on the armor, such as the proper gauntlets and shins, a bigger and more accurate looking chest, and so on. But at this time he's done, and after a test drive at Planet Comicon im VERY happy with how he turned out!

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The flamethrower did have a issue with parts falling off, so ill have to build that better.

But anyways, that concludes this cosplay for now! Next im currently building a CE Marine, but after that I want to keep chugging away at these RvB cosplays. Agent Maine of course is a popular one, but Florida and Locus are of interest to me too.

If i make any major changes to the aromor ill update this thread, but until then, ill see you guys in the next one. Thanks for following this build, and lets make it a good day.
Amazing!!!! I love the flamethrower it just matches the style of the build so much

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