Show us your 3D printer/ CNC machine!!!

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Dayuum! Rahl! Those printers are amazing! I'm quite jelly.

I've got a solidoodle 2 on the way, with plans to print the parts for a few of the Reprap's ASAP.

The models I've made are largely yoinked from Star Trek Online and the 405th database.

Of course I've included original authors where I can, but some I haven't been able to find as of yet.
Dayuum! Rahl! Those printers are amazing! I'm quite jelly.

I've got a solidoodle 2 on the way, with plans to print the parts for a few of the Reprap's ASAP.

The models I've made are largely yoinked from Star Trek Online and the 405th database.

Of course I've included original authors where I can, but some I haven't been able to find as of yet.

Awesome, I have seen some of your stuff on thingiverse.

These are the things I have published so far:

I have two mendel Max 1.5 printers this is my primary one which I use to make most of my props. Actually Im trying to print some AppleSeed props . and thats how I found this forum:



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Ohhh pretty! That colour is infectious! I can't stop looking at it!
I was going to get an MM2 as my first printer, but alas the budget wouldn't allow for it..

Nice to see another Aussie around:D
When I see someone building something with a 3D printer, all that runs through my head is this...

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Well said there, well said...

What is roughly the cheapest 3d printer going that still gives good quality? Aprils one looks interesting.
If I'm not mistaken, and correct me if I'm wrong, April's is a Reprap, which are relatively cheap, but iffy on the quality since it's a kit 3D printer (you build it). The one I've got my eye on is the Makerbot Replicator 2X, but it's $2,800 not including the spools of PLA or ABS filament. The quality of print-outs by a Makerbot are supposed to be very good.
The MakerBot is okay. The problem really lies with the plastic type. ABS is notoriously fickle with printing, though it yields more versatile parts. I see a lot of prints in PLA for props because of the lower failure rate, but it makes me nervous because corn plastic is not known for its strength.

The big things going for makerbots is the 2x comes with built in enclosements which are extremely important for good ABS prints, and they usually have fairly large print beds. The Mbot dual is like 8x5 while the Afinia/Up is 5x5.

I was sorely disappointed with the build quality of the Dual, and some of the issues were addressed in the 2x (with a lot more money tacked on), but not all of them. My biggest gripe is the HBP is sitting on some cheap-o plastic arms. The Afinia/Up sits on a metal arm, which won't bow as much when the plate is heated up to 110C, and the bowing the Dual and 2x do can throw off prints pretty badly. Though, when the MBots are working (ours break down often from high use) the Dual is still my favorite despite all of its quirks. Maybe if I get $3k (2799 + tax + shipping) I'll spring for an upgrade.

We've been pondering materials, and MakerBots ABS is substantially more expensive than Octave ABS (found on Amazon or octave's site) but we've had consistent problems with FilamentSupply's PLA while we've never had issues with MBot PLA. I personally haven't had troubles with Octave ABS, so my rule is to spring the extra ten bucks for MBot PLA, since the competitor PLA has been fairly low quality, but I'd rather save 30$ on the ABS since the Octave stuff is nearly as good.
Yes, mine are both RepRep Kit printers, they come in roughly at $1000 each. I used my first mendelMax to print my second, though its not finished yet, this is where I am up to with it:


The quality probably isnt as good as some of the commercial printers, but I can buy 3 of them for the same price, and what it lacks in quality is easily made up for with spray putty and sandpaper. There is a difference, but its really not that big if your going to finish the product and paint it... we are talking maybe mine is off by 0.03mm in some places?


these are a bit old now, they are the mendelmax 1.5. If I where buying one today I'd get the MendelMax 2.0 which is bigger and because of its constuction will probably yield better print jobs. The new model sells for around $1500.
Just put one of these on my wishlist.

Cutting down the stupidly high cost of filament might actually make 3d prop printing profitable... Hmmm

The cheapest won't be anywhere near good enough to print armour unfortunately.
I'd recommend either one of the repraps/mendelmax's or a solidoodle 2 pro.
Maybe even one of the larger 'delta' style printers if you're game.

My Soli order is still being built! Aargghhh going insane!
My school has a Makerbot Replacator 2 and I give it a 8/10 on build quality and a 70%-80% on maintenance. Im the one that has to fix it often because my class mates do something to it and my instructor knows less than I do about it. But overall its a great printer and it will work great when you get the build plane right and get the ball barring filament pusher (first major thing I had to fix). But I really like it and it does the job (and its the one I plan on getting when I get the money :) ).

Just put one of these on my wishlist.

Cutting down the stupidly high cost of filament might actually make 3d prop printing profitable... Hmmm

The cheapest won't be anywhere near good enough to print armour unfortunately.
I'd recommend either one of the repraps/mendelmax's or a solidoodle 2 pro.
Maybe even one of the larger 'delta' style printers if you're game.

My Soli order is still being built! Aargghhh going insane!

Your in Australia? There is a place in Croydon that makes ABS filament, its cheap and really really really good. $59 gets you a 300 meter spool.

This is all printed on a Replicator 2...


Now i can bang them out, I need to try painting one.

That's extremely impressive. From the looks of the material it wouldn't be especially viable for wearing, even hardened up with resin, but that looks really great as a base for smoothing and casting. How much does all of this cost, from start to finish, if you don't mind me asking?


That looks really really good. My god I haven't wanted a printer more.

What I would do is put some rondo underneath that, because it would save so much trouble of filler and sanding and filler and sanding

Though, I may be wrong, but still... it's massively cool

To everybody else's printers and works, I;ve seen them all and are almost equally impressed... or maybe it's the norm of the 3d printing world, but to someone like me (who has almost no experience), it looks wonderful.


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Mhm, Melbourne in fact :D

Hmmm I ended up grabbing some from because they had a sale on pink and orange.
I'll see if I can find this Croydon place as well, when I get start running low.
Is there a website for them?

That looks really really good. My god I haven't wanted a printer more.

What I would do is put some rondo underneath that, because it would save so much trouble of filler and sanding and filler and sanding

Though, I may be wrong, but still... it's massively cool

To everybody else's printers and works, I;ve seen them all and are almost equally impressed... or maybe it's the norm of the 3d printing world, but to someone like me (who has almost no experience), it looks wonderful.

I couldn't agree with you more Harry, I need to get me one soon, the faster the better. I keep catching myself day dreaming about what I would print.
You still need to filler and sand printed parts. There is a "step size" to anything printed. Even on high def it's going to be 0.1mm for FDM printers. It's not horrible to smooth, but it does need to be done. Also a lot of halo files are fairly low res and will look polygonal when pepped or printed.

Printing is a lot of fun, but we usually are showing our "good" prints. ABS printers (repdual/2x, afinia/up, reprap) have a failure rate on print jobs of ~50% if you don't have a good setup. PLA (rep2) has a lower failure rate but it sacrifices strength and flexibility for that reliability. And the time... goodness the time! Those timelapse videos are so misleading!
Mhm, Melbourne in fact :D

Hmmm I ended up grabbing some from because they had a sale on pink and orange.
I'll see if I can find this Croydon place as well, when I get start running low.
Is there a website for them?

So your getting ABS? Some of the stuff from 3DPrintergear looks like its just reselling filament from china. Its not the greatest, especially the ABS. I have had issues with its consistency with anything smaller than a 0.4mm nozzle.

I almost exclusively use plastic from here now: though I have about 10 roles of repraper in various colours. They make the plastic in the factory in Croydon.

Anyway, Im in Springvale to be precise. Have you got your printer running yet?

So your getting ABS? Some of the stuff from 3DPrintergear looks like its just reselling filament from china. Its not the greatest, especially the ABS. I have had issues with its consistency with anything smaller than a 0.4mm nozzle.

I almost exclusively use plastic from here now: though I have about 10 roles of repraper in various colours. They make the plastic in the factory in Croydon.

Anyway, Im in Springvale to be precise. Have you got your printer running yet?


Ya, indeed I am.
Figured I'd start with ABS to make things a bit easier, given Soli has presets that can be easily installed in Repetier.
Hmmm.. Damn, I'd heard a few good reports on their filament, I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Springvale, lol, I lived there for 2 years :D
I'm over in Sunshine now though.

The printers still at the Solidoodle factory, but it should be landing here by early next week.
Been refreshing the order status page all day...
Well if anything I found its easier to print in PLA to start with. It sticks to anything and is dimensionally stable. ABS is usually harder, also swaping between the two is sometimes problematic because of the different melting points.

the Solidoodles use 1.75mm from memory, mine both use 3mm, so maybe its the 3mm that was a bit dodgy. I found it was just full of bubbles which would effect the volume of material and the print.

I've hear really good things about the solidoole. and I think they all come standard with a 0.4mm nozzle, which I have found to be just about perfect for prop making. I have tried, 0.35 and 0.5 as well. Slicing just seems to work better with the 0.4.

Also, having tried various slicers, but keep on going back to slic3r its just nice and simple.

Anyway good to know your a local. We often have armor parties (prop making workshops) either at my place or at the hackerspace in Hawthorn, if your interested in the next one I can pass on the details. aside from 3D printers the hackerspace has access to other neat stuff like laser cutters, CNC machines and are currently making a rather large vacformer.

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