Skyrim Pepakura Files

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I don't want to answer for Zombie, but I don't know if mods are a possibility. From what I know, he pulls the 3D models straight from the game disc. I'm not sure if he can pull modded content.
Again, I don't want to be answering for Zombie, as only he can answer this, but I don't know if he has any plans or intention to extract and unfold any modded content. This thread has been going for over 2 full calendar years now and while the list of files is comprehensive, it's far from complete. As I mentioned a few posts ago, the Imperial heavy armor, something that's not only "vanilla" but was part of the original game content (not DLC) and one of the first heavy armors many players encountered in their games. Once all of the standard weapons, armor, and items Zombie has on his still rather lengthy list of models to extract and unfold are complete, well quite honestly I'd feel the guy deserves a vacation from it. Not that he's too likely to take one, he never seems too interested in resting on his laurels, but even so it is entirely up to him whether or not he takes on the task of even trying to go after modded content. We'll have to wait and see what he has to say.
Again, I don't want to be answering for Zombie, as only he can answer this, but I don't know if he has any plans or intention to extract and unfold any modded content. This thread has been going for over 2 full calendar years now and while the list of files is comprehensive, it's far from complete. As I mentioned a few posts ago, the Imperial heavy armor, something that's not only "vanilla" but was part of the original game content (not DLC) and one of the first heavy armors many players encountered in their games. Once all of the standard weapons, armor, and items Zombie has on his still rather lengthy list of models to extract and unfold are complete, well quite honestly I'd feel the guy deserves a vacation from it. Not that he's too likely to take one, he never seems too interested in resting on his laurels, but even so it is entirely up to him whether or not he takes on the task of even trying to go after modded content. We'll have to wait and see what he has to say.

No, you don't have to wait. Go grab the tools and do it yourself. It takes a chain of skills, but they're all learnable and doable by most anyone., not wanting to do it yourself, not having the time or energy, that's something else.. but file conversion and cleanup is pretty basic work.

Not to diminish the work here- the volume and breadth of what zombiegrimm has translated and made available makes it quite a bit of a feat.
No, you don't have to wait. Go grab the tools and do it yourself. It takes a chain of skills, but they're all learnable and doable by most anyone., not wanting to do it yourself, not having the time or energy, that's something else.. but file conversion and cleanup is pretty basic work.

Not to diminish the work here- the volume and breadth of what zombiegrimm has translated and made available makes it quite a bit of a feat.

Here's the files- I had them converted and textured already.


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Dracosfire83 said:
Zombie has previously requested that files not be posted in his thread.

Indeed. And most of us have been content to leave all Skyrim-related pep stuff to Zombie to release at his own pace one, because we know he plans on extracting pretty much everything but soft armor, and two, he does a darn good job of it. Which is why this has become the place to go to ask if a piece can be done, and why I keep trying to stress the importance of being patient and waiting for Zombie to weigh in on what he can, can't, will, and will not do. This is, after all, his thread. Anyone can put their request in here, or they can put a request in at one of the pep request threads, but again, most of us have settled on leaving everything Skyrim in Zombie's capable hands, so you're very likely to have people direct you back here if you post Skyrim requests elsewhere, especially as most other modelers are focused on Halo (being the primary focus of the group) and Destiny (being new and highly anticipated) and Skyrim is, well, kind of "old news."

So again, I'd say have patience, and wait for Zombie to weigh in on any requests here, and please respect the meager terms he's asked for in exchange for all the work he's put into this endeavor over the past two years.
Hello once again, Skyrim fans! This thread blew up behind my back without me even noticing! It's cool, it's cool. I've got some questions out there, and I'm more than happy to weigh in. I have every intention of doing Imperial Heavy armor. You guys caught me, and I usually like to leave it as a surprise, but yes, I'm working on it for the next release. The files have been extracted and separated, and just need to be cleaned up before I move it into the pep phase. I'm working on both male and female armor sets so it may take me a bit to do. But, they will be done shortly. As for the rest of the weird things of Skyrim, I'm totally not done. I know this is mostly halo, and Destiny is right around the corner, but Skyrim is my little slice of awesome. And with so many fans out there, I assume its the same for many of us. I'm trying to figure out crossbows, so hush hush, don't tell anyone. Point of that part is, I'm not done. Can you believe its been two years of me doing this?

A little hush hush treat, I'm working on a Destiny knife for a pep file, and will be releasing that when it gets closer to launch date. You know, which happens to be right around the corner. I know it isn't Skyrim related but I've hidden some treats throughout that weren't exactly Skyrim either.

And now for the real topic. I know about Skyrim Nexus, and have been wandering the Nexus for some time. A lot of files there are compatible and some are not. For example, some weapons and armor are just layed on top of each other to form a new object. It intersects at weird places and makes for horrible pep files. I have a handful of workable pep files, but I was saving those for another day, perhaps a rainy day. The Nexus is pretty awesome and you never know what you might find there. So, at the end of all original Skyrim, DLC included, I will attempt a large portion of the Nexus. But that is for another day, and another conversation.

The reason things are a little slow for me is because after all of this time, I have not created my own Halo armor. And this is changing very quickly. I've been putting time into a Prefect costume, complete with concept created pep files for Halo. I haven't decided how to release those files as of yet, but those who have given back and constantly given in the thread will be allowed access. But, I'll have my costume finished here soon, and then can devote more time into Skyrim and Nexus related stuff. Those of you in the NorthWest, will be seeing my costume at Rose City Comic Con in Sept. in Portland.

So, I should have some files ready in the next few days. Most likely the Imperial armor sets since they have moved to the top of the list. I hope that answers all of the questions for everyone. If not, I watch the thread constantly, and I'll reply when I can.
As always, great to hear from you, Zombie. Heh, indeed it is hard to believe it's been going on for two years and even harder to believe sometimes that this is all from the efforts of one man. If Bethesda had the sense, they should make you an honorary NPC cameo for your contribution to the Skyrim costuming community.

Ok, maybe I'm laying it on a bit thick but in all seriousness, you do great work and a lot of it, and I think I speak for everyone here in saying we appreciate it immensely.
YES IMPERIAL HEAVY ARMOR MY FAVORITE! I hope you do the Spartan Helmet with it. Imperial_Helmet_Closed.png
The Heavy Shield would also be nice. Looking forward to it Zombie. Keep Up the good work :cool

(wondering will the leather "skirt"/Leather parts of the armor be made? or the metal parts that go over it)
I found this website about a week ago and was amazed at the work you guys do. I had to try it. Little did I know what I was getting myself into. So after 20 hours and swearing a bit I built this Ebony Helmet. Thanks to the OP for supplying the file and hooking me on a new project. It isn't perfect but I believe i can fix it. Which leads me to the next question, what do I do next to make it look like the real thing? What's the next step?

I found this website about a week ago and was amazed at the work you guys do. I had to try it. Little did I know what I was getting myself into. So after 20 hours and swearing a bit I built this Ebony Helmet. Thanks to the OP for supplying the file and hooking me on a new project. It isn't perfect but I believe i can fix it. Which leads me to the next question, what do I do next to make it look like the real thing? What's the next step?

First off, welcome to the 405th. To get you started there are numerous "help" and "FAQ" threads in the "New Recruits" section. As for the next step at this point, once you've built the paper model (assuming you've used cardstock as opposed to normal printer paper, which is too thin for this), you'll want to get your hands on some resin. You have options here, the two most popular being fiberglass resin, which will require a well ventilated workspace, a respirator, and you'll likely want to invest in a box of rubber/nitrile gloves to keep it away from your skin. Not the most pleasant stuff to work with, obviously, but it gets the job done. The second most popular choice is known as Aqua resin, a far less "toxic" alternative to fiberglass resin. You'll still want ventilation, but you won't need a respirator. You'll also want some cheap brushes (cleaning hardened or even semi-hardened resin off of a brush can be tedious). Mix up the resin in small batches (don't want it hardening before you can use it) and lightly brush it onto your helmet. I stress doing this in light coats because you don't want your piece to become saturated and start to warp.

Once you've coated the outside with resin, you again have some options to reinforce the inside. One is to use fiberglass mat/cloth, applied by brushing on a coat of resin to the inside, pressing the fiberglass into it (careful not to put too much pressure, you don't want to warp, or worse yet crack, your piece) and then brush another layer of resin on top of that. You'll want at least two layers of fiberglass, more depending on how thick you want your piece to be. But keep in mind, thick = rigid, and rigid means more likely to crack or snap if flexed too much. The second option for reinforcing the inside is known as the "rondo" method, rondo being an abbreviation for the combination to liquid resin and the more clay-like automotive body filler, of which Bondo is the most widely recognized brand, hence "Rondo." You'll want to mix up about a 50/50 blend (don't forget to add the recommended amount of hardener, otherwise it will never dry, only gel into a sticky mess), pour it into the hardened workpiece, and slowly tilt and slush it around to get as much coverage as possible. You'll likely have to mix up more than one batch, and like before, it's better to do too little at first than too much. If there's too much, it not only could take much longer to dry, but it might not dry all the way through if the mixture gets too thick in one area all at once. Better to mix up small batches and gradually build up layer upon layer as each one dries than to just dump half a pint in there and end up with a gooey mess.

That will get you off to a good start, after which you'll want to dig out the Bondo again and start spreading it over the outside (once again, moderation here will save you a lot of work and headaches later). This will help fill in any gaps created during the pep process as well as give your piece an overall smoother surface. Once the Bondo has hardened, break out the sandpaper. Start with a coarse grit (60-100) to take down areas that need a lot of material removed in order to be smooth, and work your way up to the finer grits. The higher the number, the finer the grit. The finer the grit, the less material is removed, but the resulting surface is smoother. You don't have to work your way all the way up to the 1000++ grits, but they can be useful in the later (paint) stages.

Speaking of which, once you have your piece smoothed to satisfaction, lay down a coat of primer and check it over again. If there are any imperfections, primer and paint will intensify them. Don't ever buy into the lie that enough paint will cover any mistake. Better to put in the little bit of extra elbow grease to get it right in the early stages than to waste paint trying to fill in cracks, scratches, and pock marks. If you're finding a lot of new knicks or high spots, go back in with the Bondo and sandpaper and smooth it out. The cycle of bondo, sand, prime should be repeated as often as necessary to give yourself as unblemished a surface as possible to work with. Unless you want the piece to look dented, dinged, and otherwise worked over. In either case I cannot stress enough the importance of cleaning your workpiece thoroughly between sanding and priming. You want to get rid of all the dust, grit, sweat, grease, and any other contaminants before laying down the primer, otherwise it won't have a proper foundation to adhere to. Same applies when you're ready to move from primer to paint.

When you're finally ready for paint, the same old "less is more" approach still holds true. Better to do several light coats than one heavy coat that just ends up pooling, dripping, and running. That's a lot of work to clean up, and if it's not cleaned up, it's going to make an otherwise stellar piece look like crap. The silver filigree on the Ebony helmet is something you'll likely have to do by hand, either with a fine-tip brush or a fine-tip "paint marker." You could try to stencil it on with painter's tape, but that's still going to be tricky. Once you've laid down your colors (in this case, black and silver) you'll want to top it off with some clear coat (available in gloss, semi-gloss, and flat). You could spray on a couple coats and leave it like that, or you could spray on 4-7 coats and go in with a very high (1000 or more) grit sandpaper or sanding sponge. If you go with the sandpaper, make sure it's able to handle wet sanding, as that will give you an even smoother finish. If you really want to get ambitious and push the envelope, you could even go win with a microfiber cloth and some buffing/rubbing compound and really smooth and shine it up pretty.

I know I've already gone rather in-depth here but if you have more questions feel free to PM me or ask away at any of the relevant "help" threads (that's why they're there, so questions can get asked and answered). I don't want to detract or distract too much from the main purpose of this thread.
fix the female daedric torso

I'm sure you meant to have a "please" in there somewhere. And while you're at it, you might want to give something a little more detailed than "fix it." Fix what, exactly? Is there something disjointed or missing on the model, is there an issue with things being asymmetrical when they should be symmetrical, or vice versa, is the link itself outdated? Zombie's been busting his backside for two years now providing these files for us. The least we can do, if we find any trouble spots, is be respectful in pointing them out and asking politely (not demanding) that they be fixed, and then be patient in waiting for it to be fixed because let's face it, the man has a lot on his plate and not just in terms of file work.
Hello once again Skyrim fans! I went ahead and fixed the link on the first page. Next time, if one of the links is down, say so. You're not going to hurt my feelings, and I will not yell at you, I will just go in and fix the link. I don't download them as much as the fans do, so I'm not going to notice if a link is not working unless someone says so. Again, I fixed the link, so it should work fine now. Let me know next time if one goes down, by letting me know which one, and I'll fix it no biggie. I didn't understand "fix", so please actually say which file is not working.

I have some files almost ready for release. Its been difficult with the pain as of late, but this is my passion, and I just can't quit it. Also, been super busy lately, as the wife treated me to a week of birthday fun. Plus, I'm in a Rose City Comic Con Cosplay Panel on the 21st of Sept. And I'm working with friends to help put on two more comic cons for my hometown in the next year. And I'm building a Halo 4 Prefect armor for Rose City, and I'm almost done with that. However, with everything I have going on, I always check here on a daily basis. Sometimes I have enough time to post, and other times I do not.

I notice someone asked about the Imperial Spartan Helmet, and I'm not sure I will be able to release it. The model does not have actual eyes, they seem to just be a texture. If I can be creative enough, I will find a way around it, but for now its got me stumped.

Feel free to help each other on this thread. Post your works in progress, and help others with questions if need be. I will always be here to answer any questions, and to continue to release more goodies and files. Trust me, those are not the same. I have modeled the Destiny Hunter knife, and will be releasing it closer to launch. And has anyone noticed launch is right around the corner? Days away. Just saying.

So, I will have Male and Female Imperial armor ready very, very soon. And then shortly after that, a goodie. Then I'll start on the next set of files. And I'm off!
Indeed, 8 more days to Destiny. Can't wait (but suppose I'll have to since I can't will it to be released any sooner).

One thought wit the Imperial full face helmet would be to offer it as is, and that will give builders the option of cutting eye holes where they need them. One less matter of proportions to have to work around.

Congrats on being made a part of RCCC Cosplay panel. Wish I could go.
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