Blah, been busy as heck and completely spaced that I never made an update with my pax completion pics.
So Pax has come and gone and was a blast like always and I managed to get everything put back together and wearable at about 2:30 in the morning before leaving for seattle at about 6.
This was one of my favorite shots that was taken of me, it looks like I could crush something at a moments notice.

and I did.

Now it's horrible pun time. You might say I look up to him...

I met some mandalorians, their helmets are not as comfy as mine. Also trading helmets with their girlfriends is frowned upon.

This seemed vaguely familiar, thankfully caboose was not around.

After that near death experience, I found Codex and she cheered me up with an awkward armor hug.

It was great seeing all the fellow 405th members, hoping to see you guys next year or maybe at a con or 2 before then.

I was finally able to meet Burnie after just missing him multiple years in a row, which was pretty cool. Gus felt left out though, so he grabbed my chest.

Speaking of the guys from Roosterteeth, they are some of the nicest, down to earth guys you'll ever meet and truly love their fans. Burnie and Joel were nice enough to take some time, even though they were exhausted, to do a short video with me. I apologize in advance for the lighting.
I also got attacked by some RTX zombies while hanging around close to the Roosterteeth booth.
All in all, it was a great time and I can't wait for next year. I'm hoping to have my upgrade completely complete by then.