Viper 466

Well-Known Member
Member DIN
Hello all,

With the success of the booth from last year and the wave of support from the convention community staff I'm hoping to get the ball rolling on next year fairly early. We ended up in a last minute scramble trying to coordinate events like Edmonton Expo and as such sadly weren't able to make the deployment.

Below are the convention dates for the coming year.

If you're able to make them please drop a post down below with the events you are aiming to be at. This is not a firm commitment. Please note that Game con has moved from Calgary to Edmonton for the coming year.

Calgary Expo April 25 - 28, 2024
Game Con Edmonton June 14- 16 2024
Edmonton Expo September 20 - 22, 2024

I'll be firing off applications for community space in the coming months. I know this is extremely early but the sooner we can put some names on paper the more likely we are to ensure the booth can make the launch and this will help ensure we don't miss folks for badge requests. Again, this is a soft sign up so please don't stress if you can't promise anything for dates that are almost a year out. HOWEVER Calgary expo in in 6 months and should have their free community spaces available in the near future so please take that into consideration when submitting anything below.
I'll be at Calgary Expo for sure for setup/teardown/general organization etc. but I'll be manning my own sales booth in Artist Alley (at least that's the plan and why I've been working in my basement building inventory for the last few months). If my business partner is in town for the expo I'll have more flexibility but that's up in the air at the moment.

GameCon is a hard maybe (depending on summer filming schedules)
Edmonton is a bit more likely but I won't know 100% until further into summer.
Hello all,

With the success of the booth from last year and the wave of support from the convention community staff I'm hoping to get the ball rolling on next year fairly early. We ended up in a last minute scramble trying to coordinate events like Edmonton Expo and as such sadly weren't able to make the deployment.

Below are the convention dates for the coming year.

If you're able to make them please drop a post down below with the events you are aiming to be at. This is not a firm commitment. Please note that Game con has moved from Calgary to Edmonton for the coming year.

Calgary Expo April 25 - 28, 2024
Game Con Edmonton June 14- 16 2024
Edmonton Expo September 20 - 22, 2024

I'll be firing off applications for community space in the coming months. I know this is extremely early but the sooner we can put some names on paper the more likely we are to ensure the booth can make the launch and this will help ensure we don't miss folks for badge requests. Again, this is a soft sign up so please don't stress if you can't promise anything for dates that are almost a year out. HOWEVER Calgary expo in in 6 months and should have their free community spaces available in the near future so please take that into consideration when submitting anything below.
I am available for Calgary expo, might be available for Edmonton expo and games con if I can get the days off
The sign up sheet for Calgary is live. Please drop your info asap. We got asked if we want to do any sort of extra programming so we need to order up some numbers to see if something like a panel is available.

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