Just so you know, I am working on my set of Carter armor and I am TOTALLY stealing your method for the neck collar area!!!
thanks! even though i wasn't the first.... but here's my version of the collar area. I cut it down some since the initial picture of it. I didn't want it to stand out so much. The neck part is closer to an INCH high now, and i'm much happier with it. I think i'll probably add some thin foam layers to give it a little more "something".
but here are some pics for reference. I used the (i wanna say 1/4 inch foam) sheet for the main parts, and then cut and wrapped it with the thinnest (flexible) foam ... followed by plastidip spray and paint. BTW... i have a strip of thin velcro behind the back to keep it snug. And the black cloth part is just ear warmers at the fabric store, for like $2.50... found in a side basket.