Spacemeat, I've been following the tutorials, just finished watching #4. Right around 32:45 you mention "that pretty much covers chest construction....... Ack..NO! You showed a chest piece that was all EVA foam, and then you pop up the one covered in white with all the LEDs already mounted. You missed some bits in the middle man!When you cover the base structure with craft foam (2mm?) do you use the same templates? Or do you just it down and cut it where you need seams? What's the process for covering the substructure with craft foam? Thanks again for the tutorials. Definitely learning. Instead of using craft foam for the torso and thigh seals I'm going to use LilTyran's example of marine vinyl. I should be posting those pics in a day or two.
Actually, I don't cover the entire piece with craft foam. I've noticed that everyone has their own take on construction, and this is how I approach it. I figured it would be helpful to give alternate ways of doing things as whenever I sit down and talk with other 405th members and we talk about how we built our suits, it usually includes "so you did it with _____?", "man, I've got to try that next" or "that's totally different than what I did!". Which also means there's no set official way to go about building a suit, and chances are as you're building yours, you'll incorporate things you see from many other people and throw in stuff you make up along the way and have your own unique take on how to build armor.
In anycase, for my particular build methods, that was the end of basic construction of the piece. After I finished putting it together, I moved on to sealing the edges and seams and then plastidip, which are the topics of the next two videos I'll be putting up later this week.