Excellent work, truly fantastic stuff!
When I have some time, I'm definitely going to be watching through your build logs to pick up tips.
I'm not privy to a laser cutter, but I know I'll be doing my ODST build with foam. Any tips on what you find best for unfolding a Pep for foam? And I'd love to know what kind of hot knife you're using - most I see have the large flat blade, but I noticed yours uses an Xacto style blade, is it one like this?
Again, awesome work!
Sorry! I saw your post last week, but forgot to respond as it got lost in the sea of work I've been swamped in. So to answer your questions, converting pep to foam has a lot of nuances. Mostly, it's trying to consolidate the cut and fold lines so you get nice big chunks to work with. Obviously little details like inset pieces can be replaced with just foam raised/lowered. It's a very subjective process really that's just based on experience. I'll probably do a video where I unfold a piece for foam from start to finish after this build, but for now I'd say just try it. Picture in your head as you're unfolding how the pieces with fit together as foam and try to make large pieces that don't have severe fold lines in them.
The hot knife I use is a weller-sp23, it basically a soldering iron with a little attachment that takes exacto blades, it certainly allows for precision cuts along with the benefits of cutting through foam very easily. The particular model I use seems to be discontinued, but I think it's been replaced with a new version on Amazon.
This build is coming along great! do you know when we can expect more progress?
Progress? Probably not soon.
But an update on how much I've been spinning my wheels? You can get that right now!
So, that last two weeks have been pretty much neutral for me progress wise. Actually, I might have made negative progress, as I happened to break one of my swords and now need to repair it before comic-con:

Worth it? Probably not since it's kinda out of focus...
The combination of CosplayCon and E3 took a lot out of my time. I've managed to mess up on sizing once again, which means I really haven't completed anything at all since the last log.
So here's my oversized chest plate:
I've been a little discouraged so I didn't bother taking pictures of me wearing it, but you can see it on me in the video above
In other news, I've finally gotten my undersuit with the hex pattern, and as I feared, it's too light. It's not too bad in regular light, but once someone uses a flash, it's basically light grey. So we're experimenting on darkening it, hopefully you'll see the improvements within the next two logs
Anyhow, that should wrap up this update. I've got about 15 days until I need to load up my car and drive to San Diego. That's certainly not a lot of time, and I'm engaged in full on PANIC mode. I really hope I can get this done in time, but at the very least, I do have my Reach backup. I guess there still might be some kick in the old girl...