Splitting a 3d print file for helmet.

Master Billium

New Member
Good evening. I am trying to work on building and printing my first helmet and hopefully more. I am having trouble with splitting a helmet into multiple pieces. Prob because I suck at using creality print. Maybe it's because I should be using another slicer. I am trying not to get discourage and hopefully somebody is nice enough to help without saying I suck.
First off the only dumb question is the one not ask, but if you download meshmixer it is a great tool you can cut your helmet up small enough to use even on a ender3. it is a free program and my self i use it and i also use Cura for my slicing software its free to. so if you get those and get stuck just give me a yell and i will try to help you get things sorted out..
First off the only dumb question is the one not ask, but if you download meshmixer it is a great tool you can cut your helmet up small enough to use even on a ender3. it is a free program and my self i use it and i also use Cura for my slicing software its free to. so if you get those and get stuck just give me a yell and i will try to help you get things sorted out..
Thank you. I will try this tonight
PrusaSlicer also has a cut feature that will let you split your files. I use to use Cura but swapped over maybe late last year with my CR10S Pro V2.

Attached are some pictures of me using the cut feature. I demonstrate this by loading in a helmet too big for the print area. I slice it in half, then one of the halves into half again.

I've not used meshmixer or any other softwares for this other than Bambu Studios for the X1C printer. I'm unsure about Prusa but I know on Bambu you can also save the individual slices as their own files which is nice. I don't see why you couldn't on Prusa.


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Another free model editing software you can use is Microsoft 3D Builder. I switch between that and Meshmixer depending on what I need to edit, both are great options! I usually use Microsoft 3D Builder for splitting or joining parts since it feels more simple to do in there.
I was able to split it. The issue I am running into now is when I slice it a couple of layers go missing .
I just ran into this issue when I started printing my first helmet last month.

The slicer cannot tell that the model is supposed to be solid. so it detects both the inside and outside surfaces of the model as independent build objects. this causes the slicer to try and build supports in places that are too densely packed to properly print a surface, and at certain angles can not print a "wall" thin enough to pass the slicer.

This happens when you slice the object.

You need to make sure that the split parts are "watertight" before slicing.

As others have mentioned importing the split object into 3D Builder can sometimes work. otherwise, you have to manually "repair" the model.

In Meshmixer (a 3d modeling software) it can split and then you can auto-fix the plane that you cut along. It was a bit of a tedious process for me but it did the job.

Looking up some tutorials on splitting large 3d models for 3d printing helped me out a lot.
I was able to split it. The issue I am running into now is when I slice it a couple of layers go missing .
Honestly, all the slicers aren't bad, no matter from Ultimaker to Prusca etc. But when it comes to division and you want to cut a helmet into pieces! Use Windows / 3D Builder!;) Years of experience with it have never caused any problems. (y)
Honestly, all the slicers aren't bad, no matter from Ultimaker to Prusca etc. But when it comes to division and you want to cut a helmet into pieces! Use Windows / 3D Builder!;) Years of experience with it have never caused any problems. (y)
I've heard that one recommended a few times. I went looking for it recently, but it has disappeared from the Microsoft store (it's there, but there is no download option), and it's not on my laptop anymore, either. Is a different company running it or something? Not sure where to find it anymore.
I've heard that one recommended a few times. I went looking for it recently, but it has disappeared from the Microsoft store (it's there, but there is no download option), and it's not on my laptop anymore, either. Is a different company running it or something? Not sure where to find it anymore.
I use Windows 10 Pro, as it is included. ;) (y)

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