Sticker Ideas


Jr Member
Hey, I've got my hands on a second-hand Cricut and some vinyl sticker paper. Anyone got ideas for what to print out? I'm in Dallas so I'll be bringing them to HCS, Dreamhack, and Fan Expo Dallas.
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Lots of folks like to make stickers of themselves to trade with each other at conventions and stuff. It helps me remember who I've met and what suits of armour people wear. I keep all my stickers on my tool box. It might be fun to make some stickers of your own character!
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Woah you can use these to make stickers?! I gotta get on this, whats your method? I wanna prep some for HCS/Dreamhack too!
Yes you can use any vinyl cutting machine to make stickers! We even have a tutorial here on the 405th to show you how:

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