One Spartan (except for his pooch), alone against the might of the Covanant...
I know it's weird to like photo's of yourself, but I really like this one. My co-worker saw it on Facebook and said I'm an idiot, but I think he's just lost that sense of wonder and awe and fun that makes life worth living. That and I think he's kinda a jerk... But enough of him, this thread is about fun stuff...
I like that I can see my beard from under my helmet in this pic... I really should invest in a balaclava...
"Reload This..."
In all, from a guess, I would say this weapon weighs about 5-6Kgs. I'll actually weigh it one day just out of curiosity, but at this point I'm very happy I made it hollow. It would have weighed a tonne if it was solid like my M6b, that and I wouldn't have been able to wire it up...
Of course though, it could just be a musical Spartan getting in some wicked shreds on his assault rifle
Don't mind me, I'm just wearing a helmet from a fictional video game and sporting a large wooden gun...
Yeah, asking Isabella to freeze is like asking the sun not to come up tomorrow... Gotta love her anyway...
"Be vwary vwary quiet... We're huntin' Covies..."
And so that's all folks. I need to make a stand to hold this sucker now, thinking I'll make something to house both this and my Samurai sword, but that can wait for a bit... Hopefully now the warmer months are here I can get back into my super top secret project... The cooler winter temps just played havoc with the resin this year, regardless of how much MEKP I added or how much heat I put on the surface... Anyway, more on that soon.
Keep on grooving groovers...