Suit up & Introduce yourself!

Hey there ^^
I finally have some time to post something again ^^

Name: Paulina
Location: NRW, Germany
Level: 20
Cons: every Con I can reach when I have the time to go there ^^ and when the regiment calls of course :p

Social Media:
Facebook: Amparo Cosplay
Instagram: amparo_cosplay

Cosplays: I already made a Spartan (completly free handed - sooo bad foam work ^^) ; then I made an ODST and I am currently working on a new Spartan ^^ I also cosplay from league of legends, assassin's creed, the mortal instruments and RWBY ^^
Skills: well that's a really good question! I can actually do a lot but nothing perfectly ^^ but I hope I can increase my foam work skills even more then I already did ^^ spartan.jpg Spartan 2.jpg halo armor 1.JPG ODST 18-07-07.jpg
Name:Fraz "JediFraz" Stevenson. Yes, that JediFraz... :)
Location: Scotland UK
Age: 43

Social Media: Log In or Sign Up to View
Cons: Most of the Scottish Cons. Used to do most of the English ones too but couldn't afford it longterm. I pick and choose now. Planning on hitting Fed Con or Facts sometime in the future.
Costuming: Started Costuming seriously in 2006. MY internet claim to fame is that I brought PePaKuRa to the then Mjolnirarmor forums about 2008 - ish. Stareted the whole carboard armour thing..:) Have built three sets of Mjolnir armour (each destroyed by exe's, weather or storage issues before fibreglassing). Current costumes. X-wing pilot, Jedi, Aliens Colonial Marine, Various Trek, Modern BSG Flight suit and BDU's.
Share some of your work, completed or in-progress.) Some of my more recent props and crafts are on my FB page above.
Skills: My special skill appears to be failing to complete Mjolnir armour.,:) Although *this* time I'm making a vacformer. Build area 500x880 which should be good enough to make fullsize forming bucks.
okay...hi @ all

: Dominik R.
Location: Ruhrpott, NRW, Germany
Age: 32
Cons: RPC, Gamescom, GermanComicCon Dortmund

Social Media
Facebook: Spartan Bro´s Cosplay
Instagram: m4asterchief
Twitter: m4sterchief

Cosplay: Sierra 117, John :)
It´s my First Halo Cosplay, a modifiying Disguise Costume (some working steps can you see on FB "Spartan Bro´s Cosplay")


photo by Insta:

Skills: a little bit of everything:lol:
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Hi ! I'm a new member of the European Regiment !

Name: Hugo
Location: France, Grand Est
Age: 20
Cons: Le Rayon Vert, MetzTorii, Paris Comics Expo.
Instagram: Huctus
Cosplay: Custom Spartan IV, Fred-104, Jerome-092 (current build)
Skills: hmm... I'm still learning to work with foam :D

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Hello folks! Time to do this!

Location: Bamberg, North of Bavaria
Age: 22
Cons: Most conventions in the south and west of Germany, lately also Switzerland
Social Media: None:confused:
Skills: Fast building with foam

Fist we have an Halo 3 ODST, which was firstly completely free hand and gets step by step Improvements. Latest picture here.
Foto 18.09.18, 11 14 15.jpg

Second we have an - with respect to the story - literal improvement: the GEN2 Helljumper Armor, further worn by Gunnery Seargant Buck:
Foto 18.09.18, 10 47 02.jpg
Sut mai! (Welsh for how is it going!)
Name: Daniel but most call me Danny or Dan
Location: Anglesey, North Wales
Age: 19
Cons: My first one will be Wales ComiCon but hoping to go to Manchester and London CC
Social Media: danboy1203 on IG ( I do Airsoft and recently Cosplay photos!)
Skills: choosing my tools effectively

Cosplay: In the works right now I am doing my Corporal Taylor h. "Dutch" miles ODST armour, so far I am in the bondoing stage of filling in the seams and am wanting to cast a helmet too! here are some pics from my Instagram: Daniel Owen on Instagram: “The difference between when you seal up the armour! first time sealing the Right shin armour and boot i just need to do some more sanding…”
Daniel Owen on Instagram: “Gone and added some velcro to the inside of some of the armour such as the vest on the side so i can get in and out easier and have done on…”
Daniel Owen on Instagram: “I have almost done my main #ODST dutch body!! all i have left to do is the helmet where i will be sculpting and casting it and the last…”
Name: Lee Also known as Buzz.
Location: England, Essex just east of London.

Age: Date of manufacture 1970.

Social Media: Facebook and Instagram page is Iconic Heroes Costumes. Twitter is @iconic_heroes

Cons: I do all the big MCM Cons at London, Birmingham and also the small Sci Fi based cons in Southern England.

Cosplays: My first Costume was Darth Maul in 1999. I now have Master Chief, Darth Vader, Terminator, Indiana Jones and Judge Dredd.

Skills: Most are classified.

Member of the UK Garrison and 501st Star wars costuming group.
Member of the Brit Cit Judge Dredd costuming groups.
Member of the REEL ICONS film and game character costuming group.

Always happy to help and advise if you need it.
Hi everyone! :)

Name: Anton Käll
Location: Sweden, Lund
Age: 25
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Social Media: Facebook page: TNS Cosplay.
TNS Cosplay
Instagram: halo_ak_93

Cons: Närcon Sommar 2019 and Sci-FI World Malmö 2019.

Cosplays: My Halo Reach spartan ”S-136 Nordic” ”The Nordic Spartan” (Made by Christopher Works and some smal paint job an modifikations by me). I also made my own Halo 3 ODST/Halo Reach mixed ODST suit. I call him ”Tech” he is a covenant weapond specialist.
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Skills: Im good with foam building and very good at doing paint Jobs and weathering armor/props.

Other info: Im the creator of a Swedish Halo cosplay group called: ”Fireteam Nordic”.
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Hope to meet you guys someday! ;-)
Take care! :)
Name: Jordi
Location: Netherlands, Utrecht
Age: 18 years old

Media: I don't really use social media :whistle: (Except Discord: Commander Applejack#1944)
Cons: I visit nearly always visit DCC, Elfia Haarzuilens, Gamescom, and a couple of others when the situation permits.
Cosplays: I started cosplaying because I helped with a local camp which held a costume contest so I made this really crappy Chief. (see picture below) After that, a cousin of mine invited me to a cosplay event and that was the point where it kind of spiraled out of control. :D

Skills: What are those?



We don't talk about the first suit XD

Name: Roma, but my real name Miguel
Location:Terrassa / Barcelona / Spain
Age: 30

Social Media: Insta @el_r0ma
Cons: Barcelona
Cosplays: suit complete no, but yes weapons

I'm looking for people from my country, from my city.
And I look for people with whom to collaborate with my printer.
Hey everyone there! I'm sorry for mistakes like what. it's the transleator's fault I would be very pleased if I would join the ranks of the European regiment. My name is Sebastian, but I use Shadow for cosplay, and here I go through Airborn Name and surname: sebastian Location: Jantar. Poland Age: 40 Social media: FB shadow land Disadvantages: everyone has them. I am so crazy that I'm doing something crazy. and I infected my daughters. the older one has a medic with the 4th and younger masins with 3. The only one in Poland wants to show this beautiful Halo. some of the replicas have made a part of the internet myself and a few of my printmakers prepared for me. I currently have about 30 pieces of different things from the whole series. halo games but this is not the end. Cosplays: The first costume. he was unfortunately more than a halo but with star wars. I was there until 501st. where I had 5 complete armor ... now I only have a master chifa of 4. with a mass of weapons: D Skills: tailor by profession. modeller. and a man of new and fluent heals quickly grows up. on days I will have 1 exhibit in poznani.z halo. I hope that it will impress :). Maybe for some time he joins you. already as a spartan: D
Hey Guys! Wanted to do this for quite a while now, just had to wait on a few nice pictures to share with this post xD

Name: Isa_chan, I_chan or Isa
Location: Austria, Upper Austria
Age: classified just kidding, I'm turning 26 this summer

Social Media:
Facebook Isa_chan Cosplay, Insta: I_chan_cosplay and Fullmetal.cosplay

Cons: most bigger cons in Austria + some selected cons in Germany (lbm, Animuc)

Cosplays: I built together with my partner Spartan083 2 Mark V Spartans out of epoxy and fiberglass with a functional exoskeleton.

Skills: I actually specialize in sewing, but with the making of our Spartans I learned loads of new techniques with sanding, spraypainting etc :3


So greetings from Austria!
Hey guys, i've been on this site for a couple of years, but not active at all, never been too forum-minded... Decided to give it a shot, some peepz allrdy know me from the european, belgian cons :)

Name: Rude117
Location: Belgium
Age: 1990 birth

Social Media: Rude117 Instagram: Rude117 (@rude117_cosplay) • Instagram photos and videos
Cons: I'm home at every facts edtion at belgium, facts spring/fall both days and gameforce at belgium, gamescom i go one day aswell
Cosplays: I started cosplaying in 2016, did the markvi costume masterchief from halo 4

Skills: When deadlines are closing I tend to become very crafty and create awesome stuff out of thin air to make it to the con :p






In the last pic you can see from the right i started in the shitty armor in 2016 , left going 2017, the one left to that with the AR in 2018 and the most left one is the present armor :)

According to my a Belgium television company (VTM), they interviewed me and noted me as (The Belgian Masterchief) and it kinda stuck so thats how most cosplayers in the scene refer me as :) I love it alot!
Hi people glad to join
Name: William but people call me Billy my spartan call sign is Smurfb 247
Location: UK, England, Carlisle
Age: 36

Social Media: FB, Instagram
Cons: Megacon Carlisle and Carlisles comic con
Cosplays: started building 2018 now have noble 6 halo reach and jetpack I am now looking to make a type 32 ghost
Skills: none this is just a hobbie
Name: Werner
Location: Belgium, Ghent , Drongen
Age: 41

Social Media: FB : Gamercosplay IG : Gamercosplay
Cons: Nest will be Elftopia following by FACTS, Gameforce, Comiccon Antwerpen, 1UP and maybe Dutch comic con Winter edition
Cosplays: At first i was only a visitor of FACTS untill i start asking myself how do they do it, where did they get those awesome costumes.
So i started a little Biomask from Pedator to see if i can do this, hat was ok and i started with the Master Chief from Halo 4 files created by masterbuilder. Worked 2 years on it.
Skills: Fail and repeat

First pic @ Facts my first con as cosplayer
Second pic it was hot as you can see
Third and fourth was @ Designmuseum @ Ghent for work theme was Hello robot
Fifth was with some other cosplayers @ the museum


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Finally I feel ready enough to write something here (okay, I just waited until I had my first armor finished so here I am :D)

Name: Nicole or just Nici
Location: Germany - Wuppertal
Age: currently 22 [born 1996]

Social Media: NiciZaziki (Instagram)
Cons: Most Cons in NRW
Cosplays: Cosplaying in general since 2014. Halo since August 2018
I cosplay mostly Cortana, just added a Marine Cosplay :D
Working on an ODST

Skills: - Improvisation
- weird kind of recycling stuff in my cosplays
- a bit of pepakura, still learning
- sewing (on a normal level)

Picture: 9CAF4864-F340-4543-901D-E7AD77B6D14D.jpegA3FA204F-575C-4CA8-94EF-4079FD4CE7DE.jpegBB31781F-955B-41A3-8BFC-FDADEC35191F.jpeg
(Credits: pic 1: photo by Gamilia , Chief by Escannor
Pic 2: photo by Fotograf.13 Dr.Halsey by maxscosplay
Pic 3: Master Chief again by Escannor, right Marine by SiTechKeyse)
Name: Jake
Location: Cardiff, South Wales, UK
Age: 21
Social Media: Rarely use it but its Irongoblincreations
Cons: Cardiff Film Comic Con
Cosplays: Currently I have almost finished a Mandalorian suit, want to do more but due to a lack of confidence and space I haven't made much else other than small Star Wars blaster props.
Skills: Primarily sculpting and mould making.

Only just got back into Halo due to a friend, previously was a huge fan of the series ever since I was 4 playing the first game with my uncle on an old PC.
Name: R0ot / Shane
Location: Donegal/Dublin, Ireland
Age: 32

Social Media: Shane (@r0ot2ugaming) • Instagram photos and videos
Cons: Dublin Comic Con
Cosplays: Last year (2018 - did Ash from Pokemon along with the GF doing Misty) and this year 2019 wanted to try my hand at my favourite Halo game ODST)

Skills: I'm a problem solver, not a fantastic art person but I try and I enjoyed my cosplay build this year for ODST


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