Suit up & Introduce yourself!

If you go to my thread, you can see the reach spartan I'm building...the level of detail is nuts.
Had a look. Looks ace. Decided I’m going random Spartan from infinite. As for a paint job that’s the next one. I’d love to do multicam if it’s allowed in the 405th. Idk who to ask
Actually, I have been part of the group for a long time (since 2018), but under ominous circumstances my account has been lost. So I´ll tell you again who I am.

Name: Loris
Location: Wuppertal, North-Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Age: 23

Social Media:
(Instagram): Generalkeyse (Yeah the "s" and the "e" are exchanged)
(Xbox Gamertag): SiTechKeyse
Conventions(with the 405th): EpicCon, Gamescom, Botanika, DoCon
Conventions(private): Connichi, DoKomi

Cosplays: Halo 3 Marine, Captain Keyes and hopefully soon a Spartan
(Keyes Making of by my gf)
(Sadly I can not put pictures in here but you can check out my Ig)

Skills: I am good at improvisation. I am better at organizing events than in crafting. I also have a broad knowledge about the Halo Universe. I have read all the books that are available in German.
Hello fellow 405th European members,

our Regiment is growing stronger and we want to connect our Members,
so please introduce yourself and show off your Armor:

Name: (Put what your preferred name is here)
Location: (Give a general geographic Region / Country / City)
Age: (How old are you?)

Social Media: (Do you have a FB Artist Page, Instagram or anything else?)
Cons: (What cons are we likely to see you at?)
Cosplays: (When did you start Cosplaying. What HALO Costume did you create?
Share some of your work, completed or in-progress.)
Skills: (Do you have a special skill?)

Picture: (Post pictures of your HALO Costumes. Please try to use thumbnails.)
Feel free to add any information you think, would be usefull.


Also check out the 405th European Regiments Social Media.
We got a Facebook Page, Instagram and Twitter.

You can join the Facebook Group aswell:
405th European Regiment - Halo Costumes and Props Group

If you have any Questions or Issues to adress, feel free to contact nintendstroid , 247District
or TheCostumeGeek for further information.

Hello fellow 405th European members,

our Regiment is growing stronger and we want to connect our Members,
so please introduce yourself and show off your Armor:

Name: (Put what your preferred name is here)
Location: (Give a general geographic Region / Country / City)
Age: (How old are you?)

Social Media: (Do you have a FB Artist Page, Instagram or anything else?)
Cons: (What cons are we likely to see you at?)
Cosplays: (When did you start Cosplaying. What HALO Costume did you create?
Share some of your work, completed or in-progress.)
Skills: (Do you have a special skill?)

Picture: (Post pictures of your HALO Costumes. Please try to use thumbnails.)
Feel free to add any information you think, would be usefull.


Also check out the 405th European Regiments Social Media.
We got a Facebook Page, Instagram and Twitter.

You can join the Facebook Group aswell:
405th European Regiment - Halo Costumes and Props Group

If you have any Questions or Issues to adress, feel free to contact nintendstroid , 247District
or TheCostumeGeek for further information.
Greetings fellow Halo enjoyers. I might also post here as well. So here we go.

Name: bajk
Location: Wrocław, Poland
Age: 19 ( at the time of writing this)

Social Media: Mostly instagram (@ bajk_crafts ) and twitter ( @ bajk02 )
Cons: Pyrkon, Dni Fantastyki (Fantasy Days) [haven't been to many cons. Definitely need to expand the list]
Cosplays: ODST soldier. Stared working on it on January 2022
Hello fellow 405th European members,

our Regiment is growing stronger and we want to connect our Members,
so please introduce yourself and show off your Armor:

Name: (Put what your preferred name is here)
Location: (Give a general geographic Region / Country / City)
Age: (How old are you?)

Social Media: (Do you have a FB Artist Page, Instagram or anything else?)
Cons: (What cons are we likely to see you at?)
Cosplays: (When did you start Cosplaying. What HALO Costume did you create?
Share some of your work, completed or in-progress.)
Skills: (Do you have a special skill?)

Picture: (Post pictures of your HALO Costumes. Please try to use thumbnails.)
Feel free to add any information you think, would be usefull.


Also check out the 405th European Regiments Social Media.
We got a Facebook Page, Instagram and Twitter.

You can join the Facebook Group aswell:
405th European Regiment - Halo Costumes and Props Group

If you have any Questions or Issues to adress, feel free to contact nintendstroid , 247District
or TheCostumeGeek for further information.
Name: Bella (Bell, Bells or Bee are also great)
Location: Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
Age: 24

Social Media: You can find me on Instagram as QueenBCosplay
Cons: MCM Expo mainly!
Cosplays: I’ve been into cosplay and props for the last 10 years. Notably from my first few years, Captain Rex was a well known one, helping to raise money at a school sports fundraiser. I’ve wanted an ODST since I started, so to have that finally is something I’m very proud of.
Skills: weathering and tech are said to be two things I’m very good at.


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Name: Spartan 43 or SPRTN2043
Location: North Wales
Age: 47

Social Media: (Do you have a FB Artist Page, Instagram or anything else?)
Cons: Wrexham / Telford / Liverpool / Manchester and once every 2 years London
Cosplays: not halo but stargate Jaffa
Share some of your work, completed or in-progress.)
Skills: erm, marksman, chief instructor classical jujitsu, small arms training, close protection

Picture: (Post pictures of your HALO Costumes. Please try to use thumbnails.)
Name: Steve/Ste/Stephen
Location: Dorset, UK
Age: 36

Social Media: N/A
Cons: I try and get to Bham, never done London but I'd like to next year, hopefully with a first suit!
Cosplays: None, this'll be my first
Skills: I'm good with web technologies, and hopefully soon to have my 1st Dan in Taekwondo.
Looking to see UK SPARTANS ODST also European regt.

I will be going to Wales comiccon 2023 and Liverpool comicon 2023 all suited and booted, looking for more Spartans...hell even set up a stand.

Who's in?
May as well introduce myself here as well.

Name: Jonathan \ Jon
Location: UK, North West
Age: 39

Social Media: Insta @_GhostInAShell
Cons: Next will be Liverpool (November), Telford (December)
Cosplays: This will be the first
Share some of your work, completed or in-progress.) - I'd like to but its all over the place at the moment. e.g. still printing.
Skills: Sort of generalise in a few things, youtube is a great place to learn more
Hi! a new Work in progress Halo 3 basic UNSC Marine with all the armor and solid parts made out of 3D prints.
My friend Shirou has a Custom Noble 6 arid Armor and Im jealeous.
Right now only I have the Magnum pistol (needs to be sanded and painted) and its printing the Helmet in one piece
My Idea is using a old surplus VSR 93 camo with some accents of black and another types of green, My main weapon Im thinking there's gonna be the Halo Reach Shotgun
WhatsApp Image 2022-09-02 at 21.57.25.jpeg

I hope I can finish this project soon, I have experience with other big projects like my Mandalorian armor or my Irak recreation kits
May as well introduce myself here as well.

Name: Jonathan \ Jon
Location: UK, North West
Age: 39

Social Media: Insta @_GhostInAShell
Cons: Next will be Liverpool (November), Telford (December)
Cosplays: This will be the first
Share some of your work, completed or in-progress.) - I'd like to but its all over the place at the moment. e.g. still printing.
Skills: Sort of generalise in a few things, youtube is a great place to learn more
See you in telford


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Introductions now i have a finished(ish) Suit!

Name: Abbie
Location: UK, Yorkshire
Age: 39

Social Media: Insta @pippysmudge
Cons: Next will be London MCM (October)
Cosplays: Several, Most recently 40k kasrkin Stormtrooper, and ODST
Share some of your work, completed or in-progress.)

Painting, Sewing, Leatherwork, Vacuum forming, EVA Foam work, 3d Print finishing
Hi, thought i would join up as im getting closer to my first MC suit, hoping to have it ready for Plymouth Comic and Games con.

Name: Tettron / Ben
Location: Cornwall, Uk
Age: 39

Social Media: i dont have a social media page for cosplay or anything, i do have a youtube thats a little old now search Tettron :D
Cons: Havent been to an actual con yet, i have been to Jorvik in york and Model conventions such as the telford conevention and have been part of the the first uk Gundam IPMS group.

Cosplays: I have cosplayed as a nordic viking for a few years now going into schools and doing talks and making things round fires but always wanted to delve into my scifi passion and after trying my hand at foam making a MC helmet (badly lol) i purchased my first 3d printer and now hoocked!


im a little further along but my one drive isnt working lol
I have all of the upper body modeled and working on how to attach it to my undersuit, currently printing the waist and boots at the moment whilst welding, filling and sanding the body ready for spraying.
Oh and i reprinted the helmet as i felt it was a tad to big :D

bit of nordik stuff below,

Skills: I have made a fair few scale models (mainly scifi stuff) so i can confidently fill and finish, adequet skills with an airbrush.
i tend to try doing anything and most of the time find my own way of doing it :D

Really look forward to meeting more people and joining the crew!
Name: Jenwaplz/Jawen
Location: France/Basse Normandie
Age: 26

Social Media: Instagram : jenwaplz
Cons: Geek Days Caen/Comic Con Paris
Cosplays: I started cosplay when I was 14 with Pepakura. Now I have a 3D printed ODST armor.
Skills: I don't have special skills, I like to do a lot of things but not perfectly ^^

Hey! Looking for other spartan cosplayers attending Belgian conventions to maybe link up with!

Name: Invidiax4fan/ Gregoire
Location: Oostende, Belgium
Age: 27

Social Media: Invidiax4fan
Cons: Facts, Comic Con Brussels, Heroes Comic con
Cosplays: I've done Halo 4 chief for Facts in Octobre but am currently working on a Noble 6 cosplay.
Skills: If turning on the 3D printer counts ;)


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