Thank you. ("Biscuitdoughhandsman! I knew it!") Just kidding, everytime I see or hear the word "Biscuit" I think of that

As in best model? I'm sure there are better ones out there. Thanks.
Thanks. While I was striving to be as accurate as possible, there are things I intentionally left off the design. Actually there is one thing I intentionally left off the design. I did stick bumps on, using the cap off the top of a pen and duplicating it. Not the removable caps, but the ones on the main body of a pen. But I hated the feel of it, so I went with dimples. Much more comfortable to hold
Thanks. I was planning on making a tut when I build the shotgun, but that won't be for a while.
All right. Got some more pics for you guys.
Here is the smg completely broken down.
The trigger and bolt springs.
The stock release buttons. Need to change the spring, they are quite stiff.
The foregrip. To unlock it, pull the (part?) down and rotate grip until it locks. Cool huh?
The pic is a bit fuzzy, but you can see the grooves on the barrel shroud where the cover or the sound suppressor can be quickly attached.
You can see the posts that help lock the sound suppressor and barrel cover into place.
Here's the barrel cover in place. On the bottom of the barrel cover, I put the Misriah logo on it.
Heres the gun in full detail.
The magazine and feed tray were pretty vague in game, so I took some liberties and gave it more of a real world gun feel. Also note the magazine, especially the feed port.
Thank you for your interest, following my thread and taking the time to look and read my M7 smg post. Any questions, comments, critiques are welcomed.