Team Impact Props Halo 4 Builds (HAYABUSA, WETWORK, Coming Soon TUTORIALS))

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Had to give another quick reply because that wetwork helmet looks awesome! I haven't seen to many h4 builds come to life yet, can't wait to see the finished product!
I just have 2 questions. 1.) is the wetwork helmet going to be worn? 2.) if so how are you going to put the visor into it?

Yes the wetwork will be worn, although it is too small as is. It's going to be cut into two parts and held together with ND magnets, hopefully by Wednesday you'll be able to see what I mean :)
The visor will be the half circle side panels.

The helmet looks great, as does the Rogue armor!
How did you do the visor detail on the helmet?

I laid a very thin layer of plasteline modeling clay over the visor, smoothed it out, then pressed a piece of mesh onto it and voila!
hey guys i just wanted to know whats the name of the foam you used? and how much did you use and cost for full body.?
hey guys i just wanted to know whats the name of the foam you used? and how much did you use and cost for full body.?

The foam is called EVA foam, it't the kind you use for floor mats. 5 sheets are usually like $20.

UPDATES The wetwork mold is done!


Disregard the tear at the bottom, it won't affect the integrity of the cast.

Also, Discovered a neat little trick for this two part mold. Use Vaseline to keep the two halves from sticking together, then spray it with a little mold release. Holding the mold up to a black light helps you see what parts have and haven't been lubed. It might just save you hours of silicone surgery.


Just poured a cast!
Nice mold! i tried to make a mold once. It didn't turn out too well . . . lets just say i got a KILL IT WITH FIRE rage.

Anyway, can't wait to see how the first pull turns out!
Saw this on FB, can't wait to see the first cast, this entire thread is full of awesome :) great work guys.
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