Props The Official 405th 581 Build Thread!

Awesome offer Benton and i am sure Art Andrews would love to have your unfolding skills on this one!
Absolutely! If he wants to toss me the .obj or.stl file before uploading it to the armory so I can unfold it for him I most definitely would. Just have to pray that when it unfolds it doesn't try and create too many small slivers due to 581's round shape and high details. You never know how it's going to turn out until you click that button lol.
I know there are several of you who are talking about building a 581 for yourselves. In the spirit of what the 405th is all about at it's core, I've started this thread so everyone can share their ideas and progress!

As time goes on and the comic is completely released, we will use this post to add additional reference images for you to use in your plans.

Let the building and sharing begin!

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What exactly is 581?
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