*The Official* Halo Reach Pepakura Files Thread

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Dang, tht pack is beast. Awsome model Rhinoc, and nice unfold rvb18. Rhinoc , I was gona comment about the your chest piece. I was thinking that it would be better to seperate the chest armor from the pack, for comfort. You could us straps to put it on and take it off. Cause i would imagine that sitting in a chair would be difficult, especialy in a car. BTW, you got a ETA by any chance on the forearm attachment unfold for Jorges armor from whoever is unfolding it?
Well no ETA yet... but it should be in process, i hope...
And thats what I had in mind with the chest and back pack! the Pack is a two piece, one on top one on bottom and a pole connecting them, just Glue the pole to the bottom pieces top and you have the backpack, then you can put straps on the back pack to attach it to the chest armor or glue it on the back of the chest if you feel like it. Did you get that?
This is amazing, now I have the files I need to possibly build Jun's armor.

Then I will be able to walk around saying "You picked a helluva day to join up."
could someone please unfold rhinoc's jorge torso, i really want the backpack but i suck at unfolding.

Well the pack is done but if you need the chest armor you could wait for Rhinoc's or download L3X BLU3R1V3R's chest armor which is unfolded by carpathiavh99, its on page 41, the post by Ruze789. Both are really good files.
Thanks to everyone a part of the team creating these models and unfolding them you have my utmost respect. I had a great time watching A1TD's progress and building the helmet, same goes for the closest Emile game accurate helmet that L3x Blu3r1v3r has released at this point.
i already have L3X BLU3R1V3R's torso peped i just needed the back pack. i just didnt see it there yesterday
WOW!! Everyone is doing such an awesome job! I was wondering though, and correct me if I'm wrong, does anyone have the completed Carter shoulder? I know there is one out there somewhere.


yellow= what we have now
red= the complete shoulder piece.

not the bicep, the shoulder.
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