Correction, they're dropping it to 500. Like that's really going to make a big difference in their sales though.
I agree that Sony is self-absorbed, but I think their lack of sales is starting to tear away at their happy little illusion. And Killzone really wasn't that bad a game if you couldn't play Halo(like me). I hated the Xbox(For groundless fanboy reasons, yeah, I was an idiot) until I played Halo. Unfortunatly, since I already had a cube and a PS2 at the time, I couldn't get an Xbox, so I had to do without Halo until I got my 360, then my Halo 2 got stolen and I havn't replaced it. Heck, with my 360 being broken about half of the time that I've owned it, who can blame me for not getting a game that I wouldn't be able to play anyway?
So to give some sort of purpose to this particular post, you've convinced me that you're not just some anal fanboy. Good job Blue.