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Jordan Roajs said:
how long does this thing take cause i cant miss halo 3 :sailing:

Yeah it only took me about a week and a half between Sending and Receiving
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So far it's taken me about the full month... The received my Xbox 360 on the 6th, and have yet to send it back. It's still in McAllen, TX...
Got mine sent in and back within 2-3 weeks the first time I got the red ring. That was in March. I got the ring again and sent my box off for the second time, they said they got it on 4th of July. I called in to get a update on the repair a few days ago and they said they didn't have any info and told me to call back on the 26th of July....So yeah, mine's still in McAllen too.

As for free goodies, the first time I sent mine in, all they gave me was a card with a month of free XBL gold. It'd be a great gift if I could get anything better than dial-up...So I don't know what to expect from this second one. Plus that free box they give you to ship with? They never told me about it, and I didn't get it in the mail until a few days after I'd already shipped my 360 off.
As sweet as that would be, I don't think Microsoft cares THAT much about their customers. But it would be a pretty ballsy move, I'd like to see Nintendo or Sony match that. Not that I have anything against Nintendo or Sony. Gameing Heritage FTW.
My fav. major companys goes like this:


Then i hate sony with a burning passion from hell :evil:!!!!
The so-called "RedRingofDoom" is a phony. When it happens, just turn off your box, then turn it back on. Worked for me, and I've been ringed 3 times :mrgreen:
Oh no it's not a phony. It's happened to me twice. I've turned my 360 off and on multiple times after the occurence, and it still did it. I've unplugged my 360 and plugged it back in multiple times, and it still did it. The Three Red lights is a REAL problem. Further proof is in Microsofts new 3-year-warranty. If it wasn't a widescale problem, then why would Microsoft do something like that? Here's the thing, your just lucky.

BTW, do you have a reason for this hatred toward Sony? Or is it just groundless fanboyism?
No, I just think they act like they are the best company out there. Like when they said the next gen dosent start until they say so, the 360 had been out for awhile. And I dont like Sony fanboys because they hate Halo, and love Killzone. I hate Killzone.

And because the PS3 is 600 dollars.
Correction, they're dropping it to 500. Like that's really going to make a big difference in their sales though.

I agree that Sony is self-absorbed, but I think their lack of sales is starting to tear away at their happy little illusion. And Killzone really wasn't that bad a game if you couldn't play Halo(like me). I hated the Xbox(For groundless fanboy reasons, yeah, I was an idiot) until I played Halo. Unfortunatly, since I already had a cube and a PS2 at the time, I couldn't get an Xbox, so I had to do without Halo until I got my 360, then my Halo 2 got stolen and I havn't replaced it. Heck, with my 360 being broken about half of the time that I've owned it, who can blame me for not getting a game that I wouldn't be able to play anyway?

So to give some sort of purpose to this particular post, you've convinced me that you're not just some anal fanboy. Good job Blue.
Honestly, it's never happened to me. The only problem I had with my 360 was that the tray stuck some. I had to send it into repairs because something got jumbled in my move home. So perhaps the ring is a hoax, I dunno... never experienced it.
The ring is NOT a hoax, leave it at that. It actually happens to people, and for a lot of them, it can't be fixed simply by turning it off and back on.
On the fan boy issue, I hate Sony too... most of their games tend to be anime-style... and anime makes my soul cringe. I do like the Wii however. Wii Golf? Fun. Most fun I've ever had with a family game. Sony is just, as you have said, self absorbed.
I've got no problem with anime, I'm a fan of it and proud to let it be known.

Now the reason behind the fact that alot of Sony games have anime-styled characters in them is because Sony is based in Japan. So keep in mind that those anime style games you see in stores here came out in Japan months ago.

Nintendo's based in Japan as well, hence(just an example) the anime style to the Zelda games from the N64 and Cube, except for Twilight Princess. Of the three consoles, Microsoft is the only one that was born and raised in the USA, this is also a reason why the Xbox and 360 aren't smash hits over in Japan like they are in the US.

So remember kids, it's all about....Location, location, location!
Eh, it's the "30 minutes of speech and 10 minutes of action" that gets to me. Legend of Dragoon? I spent most my time mashing the X button through talk... but yeah, location is important.
So to give some sort of purpose to this particular post, you've convinced me that you're not just some anal fanboy. Good job Blue.

Yep. I'm not a Microsoft fanboy, It's just they suit my likes of games better than the others.

But yes, location does affect games.
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I never played any of the Dragoon games. Then again, I never really played that many anime-style games either though. So I guess even though I'm a fan of the art I'm not so much a fan of the games....Ah well. I can understand the speech thing though.
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