The zombie plan

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Spase said:
This made me lol, that people are actually using Halo 3 as reference to how a zombie behaves... classic cult generation topics....
im just wondering, but yeah i said halo 3 zombies

found the zombies ha ha [attachment=3937:CA89MV05.jpg]
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For anyone who does want to actually partake in any zombie discussion, the only type of zombie that's really considered as 'canon' for this zombie movement is the Dawn of the Dead/ Romero type. They're described at great length in Max Brooks' Zombie Survival Guide, and he was a Zombie Consultant for the Dawn of the Dead remake a couple years back.

Other types of zombies - Resident Evil, Day of the Dead, and 28 Days Later (though that was Rage, not zombification) - are not generally accepted for argument.

In short: Terribly slow, terribly stupid, terribly stubborn. Not much else.
hmmmm... I wonder what Salt Lake City's zombie plan will be?
My friends and I will first grab a cache of guns at one guys house, and then go up to my house on the top of a hill, it has a great view and fields around it so they cant sneak up on it.
Ok. My zombie plan.
1.) Using my understanding of the natural would I will create a nuclear powered vehicle similar to a Brute Chopper, except with more guns. It HAS to have plasma based weapon because they don’t need ammo.
2.) Run to Washington DC and break into the Pentagon. DC will be deserted because the politicians are halfway to zombie-hood as it is. Steal launch codes from the pentagon for every weapon in the American arsenal.
3.) Retreat to NORAD. They have food and water to last a couple hundred people several months so it should last me a long time. They are also built to withstand a direct nuke strike so I dare any zombies to break in.
4.) Broadcast a signal to any survivors to come to me. Do this for a couple months.
5.) After a couple months use stolen launch codes and nuke major population centers.
6.) Laugh at massive destruction.
7.) Emerge and rebuild society.
8.) Get dubbed Master Chief of the World.
Spase said:
This made me lol, that people are actually using Halo 3 as reference to how a zombie behaves... classic cult generation topics....

bleh, I was thinking HL2, those charred looking ones can fricken fly
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rachciav said:
you mustve read the zombie survival guide (yes its a real book)
and thats the number one rule. and ive thought about my zombie plan alot.
id probably take my sword, travel light, meet up with 2 other ppl, kill as many zombies as i can, and if i get cornered and death/infection is inevitable, im taking as many zombies down with me as i can....hee hee

Best book EVER!
mine would include stockpiling weapons and food, then going to Cheyenne Mountain. Then i go through the Stargate :D
I also have my trusty sword right next to my desk.
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Luckily... My dad works on an oil platform. ;)

There we can receive supplies through helicopter, and the zombies can't climb up the pillars holding the platform up. ;)
Ruze789 said:
For anyone who does want to actually partake in any zombie discussion, the only type of zombie that's really considered as 'canon' for this zombie movement is the Dawn of the Dead/ Romero type. They're described at great length in Max Brooks' Zombie Survival Guide, and he was a Zombie Consultant for the Dawn of the Dead remake a couple years back.

Other types of zombies - Resident Evil, Day of the Dead, and 28 Days Later (though that was Rage, not zombification) - are not generally accepted for argument.

In short: Terribly slow, terribly stupid, terribly stubborn. Not much else.

LOL! I bought that book! it was HILARIOUS! definitely worth it. I mean SERIOUSLY! on the back of the book it has the top ten survival tips. I can't remember what they are off the top of my head (loaned the book out). Anyway, that book was great. And its a Zombie thread! it CAN'T die! it just keeps coming back till it gets a lock right through the head.

-Chupa, Zombie Hunter
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Ironcobra3000 said:
1. Go to wallmart.
2. Get 2 Machetes, knives, a shotgun.
3.Grab beef jerky and monster energy drink
4. have a ball.

at wall mart machetes are $7.94

actually NOS energy is better but dont get the grape flav :p
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LOL the zombie plan thread is a ZOMBIE!!!!!
The funny thing is that I started a thread like this one back in 2007. Just look at my sig. My plans been there for-EVER.
This is not really my zombie plan... It's more like a Flood plan. (yes flood from halo).

1. Build a house with 100feet thick Steel walls.
2. implant the house in the core of Earth.
3. Listen to radio broadcasts etc.
4. When i'm sure that the zombie thread has ended, launch to the top of the earth with an escape pod.
5. with 99.999999% of the worlds population dead, go to wallmart and take milions of gallons of resin and fiberglass.
6. Build master chief costumes!!

-Fin(The End)ish
1. kill Tony Stark while he sleeps and steal armor and power source
2. keep armor and walk unscathed through the streets whilst ion ?cannoning? the crap out of zombies
3. go to space station with lotsa food and and wait............
I would
1) build a massive concrete wall around a farm. (Food)
2) Raid a sporting good store supplies (shotguns)
3) If zombies break through kill as many as possible if all fails go to basement of the house and shoot the gas tank :p
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