So far your build is looking great, very nice pep work. the weathering on the helmet looks amazing, and your torso looks like its gonna be great too. Good luck, i can't wait to see it finished!
Again, thanks I thought these pics night help people decide where to slice there torso sections as well. I am going with nylon straping material to form the hinge on the top section with the use of aluminum re enforcement plates on either side of the part and either screws or rivots to attach it all together. I was debating on weather I want the plates polished to a chrome like shine or if I will paint them black. On the sides of the torso I have been trying to decide if I will go with the straps to attach them together or magnets. My torso section fits me perfectly and with the undersuit on it may be too snug to close together entirely so I am leaning towards the straps to alow for some wiggle room. I also plan to put some rubber or foam on the mating ends as to reduce wear ect.
I absolutely love that torso, I dont know why, I just think it's amazing. Whoever made it did an incredible job and you did amazing putting it together.