Hey man, thats looking awsome. I have a question though.
Were you planning to put resin on this? or just paint it and seal it off.
because i started to make one a while ago and its part pep, part wood, and i was wandering whether
resening it all was a good idea or not.
Thanks again Lee. Any ideas floating around about what you might be starting up next?
You have been a busy man lately. I know I definitely have a chainsword on my list of things to do.
I didn't know that you made one. Right on. I'm kind of up in the about a chainsword or chainaxe.
Thanks Lee, always appreciate the encouraging words.
Very nice sir, that chainsword is awesome. I have started making a laspistol out of polystyrene foam. It's my first Warhammer build and I think I will definitely make it in wood too, I don't like the way the foam one is turning out. You can see a couple of pictures of that one on my helmet build, if you want to.
I've been sketching up some designs for some internal mechanics for a chainsword. I want to have one that works.
I didn't know. See ya never too old to learn something new. I thought that guy was a pic of THIS guy@ alix965
That is a Cadian Marine for Warhammer 40K. They eat, sleep, and breath combat....In case you didn't know lol.