Hey Thorsolli, how much resin did it take to slush cast one helmet? I'd like to get a general idea coz I plan to cast my Reach trooper helmet. Awesome job man!
I'm doing the helmets in three pours each. The first is 8oz resin with about 4oz of microballoons, the second is 8oz. resin and 4oz. of 1/32" milled glassfiber, and the third is the same blend as the first pour. So each helmet is a total of 24oz. resin, 8oz. microballoons, and 4oz. milled glassfiber. They come out surprisingly strong and lightweight. Sooner or later I'll post a pic of me standing on one of them. I'm a jerk like that.
As usual, you have an epic build. I wish I could be in San Francisco just to run into a squad of your Halo Marines!
The whole thing is about to ratchet up a couple of notches. I'm starting to doubt that Vrogy will come through with the vacformed parts, so I'm making my own vacformer. Here's the oven coming together:
Here's the quick and dirty forming surface:

I'm also getting ready to add combat knives to the chestplates or wherever, so I've molded these guys:

If you need a solid casting of a small Ka-Bar combat knife or a Kershaw responder knife, let me know. They're cast as one so there's nothing to come out of the sheath. That way they're con-friendly.
I've handed over all of the fatigue shirts I stocked up so my seamstress can turn them into combat shirts for wearing under the armor. Tonight I'll be doing a marathon pep build so I can have some forming bucks and start cranking out chest armor when my supplier calls to tell me that my sheet stock is ready for pick up.
It's getting down to the wire, but I'm still somewhat confident that I'll be able to field these guys for the Maker Faire on the 21st.
Stay tuned. With any you might get to see my head explode...