Thorssoli's MkVI Costume Buildup

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Getting Dressed at Long Last

With the marathon of exhaustion I've been going through the past few days and the on and off snail's-pace progress I've been making on this project, I will say I was more than a bit elated to finally be putting the damned thing on. Unfortunately, there's no way I could do it without at least one other person to help snap and strap things in place. Here's how it goes...

Step one: put on the lower half of everything so that the thigh straps go up over the shoulders:

Step two: put on the top half of the undersuit:

Step three: strap on the diaper, backplate, and abplate, making sure everything is lined up:

Step four: slip on the arm parts, gloves, and hood, then buckle the chest in place:

Step five: don helmet, grab a weapon, and look menacing:

Step six: pwnage test:

Now I've had a chance to test out the whole rig and I've got a lot of ideas for improvements. I also need to get to work on a blue suit.

First up: finding an easier way to go to the bathroom while in costume:

Comments/criticisms welcome as always.
You, sir, truly are a god at making armor. I just read through at 904 posts, and WOW!!! I......I can't tell you impressed I am with your maddening skill at armor making. I'd like to see more on how you did the boots. You are my inspiration for my next suit.
This is trully amazing. I just went through this and I think that ths is probably the closest to museum quality!
Just one question. Were you ever planing on making all of the helmets and special attachments?
Are those the new boots you were working on or an older version?

This was the one set that I got out of my original molds. They're painful to wear and the rubber soles are permanently tacky to touch, but they looked good enough to get me through the night.

The new versions will be done in one foam piece with the instep strap cast separate.
Nice professional job. Clean lines and innovative design. I think you've found your calling.
I haven't done anything new yet, but I still wanted to post more pictures. Enjoy.








I'll be back to making improvements early next week, so stay tuned...
looks like the thighs are sitting alittle low over all looks good

Yeah, I think I mentioned before that I wasn't happy with my harness arrangement for the thighs. The next plan is to rebuild the undersuit so that they strap to the waist section like a garter belt. That way there's not as much elastic to stretch out as much as it did. There will still be some give, but they won't drop down on my knees.

Also, the sticky back velcro gave up about halfway through the evening. I kinda expected it would, so the new plan will be to glue the sew-on velcro in place using more casting resin. That should do the trick.
Outstanding work! Very Outstanding!
I love the undersuit.

Followed this on the RPF (and now here), and I must say your suit is simply stunning.

A word of advice on the thigh garter (if I may). What I've always used for other costumes with thigh armor is basically a webbing belt that I tighten around my waist underneath any armor/etc but over my undersuit that has four adjustable position tabs with snaps looped around the belt. I then have fairly heavy duty elastic that snaps down into the thigh and then with a slight stretch I snap it into the belt, then don the rest of the armor. The pull of the elastic basically tries to pull the thighs up into my business (but not enough to hurt) but there is still enough give in the elastic to allow the thigh armor to move freely as I walk/run/jump/swim/whatever. I'd be willing to take pics of my setup if you'd like.
Yeah, I think I mentioned before that I wasn't happy with my harness arrangement for the thighs. The next plan is to rebuild the undersuit so that they strap to the waist section like a garter belt. That way there's not as much elastic to stretch out as much as it did. There will still be some give, but they won't drop down on my knees.

Also, the sticky back velcro gave up about halfway through the evening. I kinda expected it would, so the new plan will be to glue the sew-on velcro in place using more casting resin. That should do the trick.

So long as you resin the right part of the Velcro in place it should more than do the trick.
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