Thank you all for the kind words. I'm glad to know that I'm educating
and entertaining people all at once.
Beautiful work, I really love the treads! That extra detail just makes things POP!
Making screen accurate armor is easy. If you want a real challenge, you need to try for screen accuate footprints. Shortly before I decided I needed to do that someone should've checked my dosages.
I seen that you have gnomes for sale! Are they still available? and at what price?
They're still available, yes. If you get on eBay and search for "Combat Garden Gnomes" you'll find them (painted and unpainted). My eBay username is thorconsignments. Special note for forum members: the listings will automatically accept offers as low as $10 below the listed prices.
Today my friend Chris (who will become Simmons) stopped by the workshop to help out, so I set him to work building the parting lines for the boot molds:
Once they were ready (with a lip built up around the edge to catch any drips) the new boot prototypes went under the rubber:
Here's how they look now:

Next I'll brush on some more silicone (with thixotropic catalyst) to the vertical surfaces to build up a bit more thickness.
I also decided to experiment with embedding rare earth magnets in the thighs where the weapons are supposed to click into place:

I've decided I don't like the way they work. Even the lightest of my foam pistol castings fell off when I jumped. So I'll probably fudge this bit and just velcro the pistol in place.
And so begins my blue suit:
Stay tuned...