Top 10 Reasons Spartans are better than Stormtroopers

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Kira-403 said:
For those saying that at least Stormtroopers etc don't do Gay Pride or paint themselves pink (of which I see no problem with ANYWAY!!!):



This does not include the HUGE number of Elvis trooprs, Jack Sparrow troopers and so on.... :D

'Nuff said
/is a star wars fan


Two things
1)Ow, my eyes.
2)What the hell were you looking for that you found THESE!?!?
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Spartan-121 said:

Two things
1)Ow, my eyes.
2)What the hell were you looking for that you found THESE!?!?

:D You know how people find things funny and pass them around? Well, sometimes I keep track of those never know when you might need them!! :p :lol:
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Spartan-419 said:
Another numerical reason Spartans are better than Stormtroopers: Spartans can drive. Anything. And when they don't drive, they ALWAYS get shotgun.
Lol, i like that.
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If you can see a Spartan, he can see you.

If you can't see a Spartan he can still see you and you're about to get pwned.

If you are a storm trooper and can see a Spartan, you're screwed.

If you're s a storm trooper and can't see a Spartan, you're still screwed and you can kiss your Deathstar good bye.

If you're s a storm trooper and can't still see a Spartan, you're probably already dead and can't respawn.(HA YOU SUCK)

Master Chief...FTW, Forever and Eternally.

Suck it Lucas. :cool:
I just thought of some more

In real life, Spartans were Heroes, Military geniuses, and general bad-asses.

Stormtroopers were Nazis. o_O
what about grevious vs arbiter?
(grevious dances around like a puff, ect,ect and hits arbiter million times ect)
Grevious: what the hell? you didnt even flinch
Arbiter: shields b-acth!
(arbiter cuts grevious's head off)

just joking
huge sw fan
Spartanspork said:
^Rofl, that is one of the greatest reasons^
another one:

storm troopers suck... period... clone troopers on the other hand :D CGI any one?
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Spartans shoot bullets, not red ****

Spartans have larger crotch armor

Spartans aren't the clone of a Cuban looking bounty hunter
spartan-142 said:
i got one:
spartans DONT wear skirts

They are called Kama's you uneducated bum...

And, put a Clone Next to the'll see a Clone is just as cool.
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darkesword2020 said:
They are called Kama's you uneducated bum...

And, put a Clone Next to the'll see a Clone is just as cool.
thats what i sed. clones rule storms suck
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Spartans: Bullets
Stormtroopers: Red thing that sound like BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Spartans: ALOT OF guns
Stormtroopers: 3 guns?

Spartans: Helmets with LIGHT, go in night
Stormtroopers: Go in Day..

Spartans: MEN!!!
Stormtroopers: Boys.. that can go down if a guy hit him in the back

Stormtroopers: Kill alien that are friendy.

Spartans: Girls LOVE men with armor and video games
Stormtroopers: Girls think they nerdy

Spartans: GOOD GUYS!
Stormtroopers: Traders!
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