TORG Gaming Expo Info and Roll Call: November 1st, 2024 - November 3rd, 2024 (Columbus, Ohio)

Code has not been provided yet.
Jonah will notify us when it is provided, but per the OP it will not and should not be posted or shared publicly.
Correct. When he receives said code should we expect a message on forums or dm on discord?
We just had a very fruitful meeting with the venue runners and have the following update to provide:

405th will have creative control over both our space, the LAN, and additions to the event such as backdrops placed around the event, skits/media etc.

We will have a 70x50 Space. The venue has also offered to provide any/all equipment we need to run Extra Life remotely from the venue to offer a Hybrid event this year.

All passes for member, family and friends will be free and a code will be provided to us for check out.

We will have discounted hotel blocks, connected hotel to the venue as well as protected storage for all crates and props when not in-use.

We are being allowed an amazing opportunity and they want us to come up with skits to do at opening ceremony and welcoming in guests, our show of power walk, and more.
This is awesome dude
Flights booked!!! I am officially "boots on the ground!" Who's looking for a roommate??

Also, could anyone pick me up from the airport on Thursday at 11:00pm, and bring me to the airport on Monday for my 11:00am departure? If not no worries, I can call an Uber, but just trying to think of saving money!

Edit: Another thing... where would I find the code for badge purchase?
not sure we will be in town by 11am on Thursday as it depends on how long it takes the ol'lady to get ready but if you need a location to ship your armor to- I can help with that
Myself and willowtree are tentative as of now for this one.
Do It Episode 3 GIF by Star Wars

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