Tremendicon Info and Roll Call: May 31st, 2024 - June 2nd, 2024

Can do. I'll be getting there about 1 or 2 on friday as well since I couldn't get that day off.
I plan to drive down after work Thu, but I may need to work some on Fri morning depending on what I get done ahead of time.
On the off chance they don’t need me at work I’ll be there sooner, but planning on being there in the evening
Hey Guys!
(Hope me popping in here is alright) I am the cosplay director in question, hi!
I am planning to lug in my xbox one slim so we can have 1v1 a Spartan split screen matches set up right next to your table. (Unless someone wants to bring in a series x or something.) I would like to humbly request if someone would be willing to bring an extra controller or two, that'd be awesome.

I have attached the con schedule as it stands currently. I would like I think one 405th member as a judge (though if it doesn't work out, we have 3 judges lined up, so we'll fine without it)

I DO need your help with the custom Jackbox games though. Quiplash and Drawful both allow for custom games. I can prep them ahead of time no problem, I just need some help with the prompts. I'm not sure if email, discord, or just using the forum here would work best for your submissions, I'll leave that up to NobleofDeath16 's experience. If y'all have any questions/suggestions feel free to reach out!

Excited to meet everyone!


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Hey Guys!
(Hope me popping in here is alright) I am the cosplay director in question, hi!
I am planning to lug in my xbox one slim so we can have 1v1 a Spartan split screen matches set up right next to your table. (Unless someone wants to bring in a series x or something.) I would like to humbly request if someone would be willing to bring an extra controller or two, that'd be awesome.

I have attached the con schedule as it stands currently. I would like I think one 405th member as a judge (though if it doesn't work out, we have 3 judges lined up, so we'll fine without it)

I DO need your help with the custom Jackbox games though. Quiplash and Drawful both allow for custom games. I can prep them ahead of time no problem, I just need some help with the prompts. I'm not sure if email, discord, or just using the forum here would work best for your submissions, I'll leave that up to NobleofDeath16 's experience. If y'all have any questions/suggestions feel free to reach out!

Excited to meet everyone!
I can bring a few controllers and even a second console and small TV if you like
I can bring a few controllers and even a second console and small TV if you like
The venue will be providing a fairly large tv, so we should be set on that front! I only have one controller for my xbox though so an extra few would be handy. Do the newer games allow more than 2 players? If not, then two screens/consoles may be the more viable option... I have a pretty big TV on wheels at the store we could commandeer in that case. (The venue may have an extra too) If you're local, we can make the call on 1vs2 TV's on Thursday during/after setup?
All the games allow 4 player split screen with up to 16 players. So if we had 2 tvs, we could do up to 4v4. I'm not local unfortunately, I'm a minnsota resident, but I plan to be in the area thursday at least by early afternoon say around 2pm-4pm
All the games allow 4 player split screen with up to 16 players. So if we had 2 tvs, we could do up to 4v4. I'm not local unfortunately, I'm a minnsota resident, but I plan to be in the area thursday at least by early afternoon say around 2pm-4pm
Wow quite the journey! Don't worry about the tv, but if you have the space for your console and the extra controllers, feel free to bring them just in case ^.^
Wow quite the journey! Don't worry about the tv, but if you have the space for your console and the extra controllers, feel free to bring them just in case ^.^
Will do, look forward to it! If there's anything else I can do or bring, just shoot me a message. See you in 2 weeks!
I DO need your help with the custom Jackbox games though. Quiplash and Drawful both allow for custom games. I can prep them ahead of time no problem, I just need some help with the prompts. I'm not sure if email, discord, or just using the forum here would work best for your submissions, I'll leave that up to NobleofDeath16 's experience. If y'all have any questions/suggestions feel free to reach out!

Excited to meet everyone!


Do we have a place to submit some custom prompts for this yet? I think there are plenty of funny things that we could come up with and it would be a shame to put it off until the last minute.

Do we have a place to submit some custom prompts for this yet? I think there are plenty of funny things that we could come up with and it would be a shame to put it off until the last minute.
I’ve never done this before so if you wanna drop the prompts here or dm them to me we can get this done! I agree, I don’t want to make this last minute for them!

Do we have a place to submit some custom prompts for this yet? I think there are plenty of funny things that we could come up with and it would be a shame to put it off until the last minute.
I've put together a Google Form for easier responses (There is an option to just upload a file or type submissions into the form.

Also attaching con map and current provided food times. If you are going to be in town that Thursday and want fed, they want an approximate headcount for food. :)


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I have submitted a couple of prompts.

Looking forward to seeing everybody. I won't be there Thursday night for dinner, but I am going to try and be there the rest of the weekend.

Do we know when doors open each day yet?
I have submitted a couple of prompts.

Looking forward to seeing everybody. I won't be there Thursday night for dinner, but I am going to try and be there the rest of the weekend.

Do we know when doors open each day yet?
Friday the doors open at 12. Saturday/Sunday they open at 9, but panels don't start until 10. Booth set up on Thursday is from 10am-6pm.

Also I read through your submission, awesome! Just realized I could probably troll a subreddit for memes to use as prompts too... :unsure:
I hate to say it but I'm gonna have to be changed to tentative. The truck is throwing oil out all over the engine bay, and until I figure out where the leak is for sure and get it fixed, I don't want to risk an engine fire from oil cooking on the exaust manifold. All part of the fun of daily drivng a 51 year old truck.
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