Tremendicon Info and Roll Call: May 31st, 2024 - June 2nd, 2024

I hate to say it but I'm gonna have to be changed to tentative. The truck is throwing oil out all over the engine bay, and until I figure out where the leak is for sure and get it fixed, I don't want to risk an engine fire from oil cooking on the exaust manifold. All part of the fun of daily drivng a 51 year old truck.
Forgive the double posting, i have an update on my vehicle situation, sounds like a friend of mine wants to go to Branson this weekend so disregard my previous post. I should be to the area late Friday night/early morning Saturday, i will keep NobleofDeath posted on that.
Description: "Our focus is on Education, Inspiration, Encouragement, Collaboration, and Charity. These values will be incorporated by creating a convention experience where real educational experiences are available to attendees from professionals in creative roles. Attendees will see and hear what others are doing in their creative lives that can provide inspiration and let them dream big.

Having interactive and face-to-face opportunities will let creatives gain encouragement where they need it to grow into the creative roles they want. Collaboration happens when two or more individuals begin a dialogue leading to a mutual respect and desire to put creative energies together to make something greater.

We have a heart for charity. Tremendicon will use the financial and creative abilities to help the community and put positivity into the world by donating our time and money to charities that support children and those in need of help. "

Date: May 31st, 2024 through June 2nd, 2024 (Condensed: 05/31/2024 - 06/02/2024)

Location: 2546 N Glenstone Ave, Springfield, MO 65803

Event Website: Tremendicon

Local Hotels:
Lodging is being offered complimentary to the invite to the event for the requested number of participants.

Final Thoughts: This is a newer totally non-profit convention focused on makers and education. Last year our chosen charity was the Ozark Foodbank, which helps feed our local community.

A changing space will be provided as well as free entry for 405th Members and their handlers. Breakfast is hosted everyday, with a dinner on 5/30 and a lunch on 6/1 in their hospitality room. Hotel rooms or travel reimbursement must be approved by the vendor but is possible to accommodate.

From the event runner, Rebecca, a final note: "I'm hoping for local(ish) members who may have an interest in hosting a few panels or events (3 hours of content is what we typically ask our guests for). Or if they are just interested in guest badges and to promote their attendance I could possibly work with that too. Anything helps to get our non-profit more well known!"

REQUESTED ATTENDANCE: 1 to 5 Members. Non-static cap.

Confirmed "Boots on Ground":

- NobleofDeath16
- Emp Frosty
- BobRossIsMaDad
- Fallen
- SpartanSweed
- rickrtickr +1
- SSGLordElmo
- SSGLordErne
- BlondieDoes
- SpartanSweed

Badge Purchase: Badges covered by convention center via Attendance Sheet


Panels info will be gathered on Thursday for location.

- Friday: Jackbox Games with the 405th at 7:00 PM CST
- Saturday: Meet the 405th at 12:00 PM CST and Armor 101 at 4:00 PM CST
Frosty has offered to do photography work throughout the weekend, and while we do not have a shoot planned at this time we may plan one out on Friday. Will update here as info develops



Photographer Information:

Food Details:

View attachment 348649
I'm already there lol
Hey guys!
Noble will have gotten the corporate speak version of this statement via email, BUT:
Thank you for coming out. Seriously. I'm insanely bummed out that I didn't get to spend more time with you, but what time I did get to interact was awesome. (I now have to build a suit and it's all your fault)

Part 2 of the statement I sent out was this:
I will *not* be the cosplay track director for Tremendicon next year. I will continue sponsoring similar events and providing free cosplay repair, but this experience (as you may have possibly gathered) was less than ideal for me. If you would like to submit any feedback for the organizers so they can improve next year, I created a google submission form: Tremendicon 2024 Feedback

My offer to utilize my store's space for group builds, workshops, or events absolutely still stands, and y'all are more than welcome to hit me up with your sewing questions any time. (Please for the love of all that is holy let me sew your straps. I'll do it for free. That hot glue has me *stressed*).

In case I don't see you or you've already left: thank you for being you, and travel safe back home!
Hey guys!
Noble will have gotten the corporate speak version of this statement via email, BUT:
Thank you for coming out. Seriously. I'm insanely bummed out that I didn't get to spend more time with you, but what time I did get to interact was awesome. (I now have to build a suit and it's all your fault)

Part 2 of the statement I sent out was this:
I will *not* be the cosplay track director for Tremendicon next year. I will continue sponsoring similar events and providing free cosplay repair, but this experience (as you may have possibly gathered) was less than ideal for me. If you would like to submit any feedback for the organizers so they can improve next year, I created a google submission form: Tremendicon 2024 Feedback

My offer to utilize my store's space for group builds, workshops, or events absolutely still stands, and y'all are more than welcome to hit me up with your sewing questions any time. (Please for the love of all that is holy let me sew your straps. I'll do it for free. That hot glue has me *stressed*).

In case I don't see you or you've already left: thank you for being you, and travel safe back home!
I want to tell you that you did an amazing job handling everything and you are so fun as well as professional!
Hey guys!
Noble will have gotten the corporate speak version of this statement via email, BUT:
Thank you for coming out. Seriously. I'm insanely bummed out that I didn't get to spend more time with you, but what time I did get to interact was awesome. (I now have to build a suit and it's all your fault)

Part 2 of the statement I sent out was this:
I will *not* be the cosplay track director for Tremendicon next year. I will continue sponsoring similar events and providing free cosplay repair, but this experience (as you may have possibly gathered) was less than ideal for me. If you would like to submit any feedback for the organizers so they can improve next year, I created a google submission form: Tremendicon 2024 Feedback

My offer to utilize my store's space for group builds, workshops, or events absolutely still stands, and y'all are more than welcome to hit me up with your sewing questions any time. (Please for the love of all that is holy let me sew your straps. I'll do it for free. That hot glue has me *stressed*).

In case I don't see you or you've already left: thank you for being you, and travel safe back home!
You may see me in your store as I would very much like to learn to sew proper. I have had a lot of help sewing my current rig but if I ever want to make anything new I’ve had to rely on others. It’s a skill I need to learn
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