Well-Known Member
True, but come on, halloween, cons, costume parties, even if i do got out to, the mall for example, and the cops see me in a scifi armor suit, with a prop, the most the will do is ask, what movie or game am I from or what am I supposed to be, or " Isn't Halloween another 2 months?" Don't worry, most Halo prop weapons have detatchable mags. AR's, DMR's, Snipers, with clips painted as they should be, how wierd would it be to see a guy in a spartan suit, loading a prop gun with a orange or other brightly colored clip. As long as i am not running around shooting people with it and being a disturbance, the cops won't get all anal. Besides i only need one clip, im not going out to a nerf war with it, and the Halo shotty isn't even supposed to have a clip, which is why i want to paint it as part of the gun for a low key clip. Don't worry, i know what I'm doing.