TurboCharizard's Halo Reach CQB Build Log

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Couldn't you have just said you had an "AHA" moment.......period.......did you have to say it was while you were in the shower? I've seen you w/ the shirt off from the 1st group web build we did......that visual was bad enough......lets not add to the damage.

I'm just advertising for my new line of waterproof notebooks, pens and note-taking-holsters. ;)
Couldn't you have just said you had an "AHA" moment.......period.......did you have to say it was while you were in the shower? I've seen you w/ the shirt off from the 1st group web build we did......that visual was bad enough......lets not add to the damage.
Wait.... What??? TurboCharizard, you were going around shirtless??!??!
Hey now... This is a family friendly site. Do we need FANGS in here with the wet noodle?
Yes please! My "updated shotty" has been "almost done" since last October. :/ I have an extra drawer slide too. ;) Looks like Schankerz is getting a new weapon. :)


I see what you’re saying though DD, Turbos been going on a pretty scandalous streak recently, first the shirtlessness then the full frame spartan butt...then there’s this nonsense:

I mean the mans literally oozing sex appeal...next thing you know he’ll be selling calendars!
Wait.... What??? TurboCharizard, you were going around shirtless??!??!
Hey now... This is a family friendly site. Do we need FANGS in here with the wet noodle?

Let's not get carried away, it was only a nipple. Singular! And it was only intended to poke fun at the shirtless dirt baby walking around DD's house in the background.

I see what you’re saying though DD, Turbos been going on a pretty scandalous streak recently, first the shirtlessness then the full frame spartan butt...then there’s this nonsense:
View attachment 257654

I mean the mans literally oozing sex appeal...next thing you know he’ll be selling calendars!
yeah.... Spartan butts, shirtles, nipples... that photo.... ugh. I think TurboCharizard is going for Poster Boy of the 405th.
*cracks knuckles*

So, this one time I thought about getting into model trains... You know those things are EXPENSIVE!!! Like, 100s of $$$$$ Expensive. Holy monkeys! That's why I decided to make an advanced combat spacesuit armor set. It was literally cheaper! Holy cow.....

Anyway, I'm thinking a burrito for lunch.


(Let's give the thread back, guys)

I see what you’re saying though DD, Turbos been going on a pretty scandalous streak recently, first the shirtlessness then the full frame spartan butt...then there’s this nonsense:
View attachment 257654

I mean the mans literally oozing sex appeal...next thing you know he’ll be selling calendars!

I'll be January, you can be February and then we can have the other Canadian Regiment members fight over the rest of the months. I think I need to make a few calls... Something something charity fundraiser...

You're also playing softball with that photo, you could have gone for the budoir pose ODST.

yeah.... Spartan butts, shirtles, nipples... that photo.... ugh. I think TurboCharizard is going for Poster Boy of the 405th.

Guilty as charged, I'm just here to show off my body and not at all the craftsmanship as can be seen by the workshop heavy photo dumps that were all a ruse.

Have we derailed this thread enough?
or should we go a for a little more?

I mean, if we keep it going like this it'll flow into something undoubtedly magical and not at all expected. If we stop the next post will be about the TacPad.

*cracks knuckles*

So, this one time I thought about getting into model trains... You know those things are EXPENSIVE!!! Like, 100s of $$$$$ Expensive. Holy monkeys! That's why I decided to make an advanced combat spacesuit armor set. It was literally cheaper! Holy cow.....

Anyway, I'm thinking a burrito for lunch.


(Let's give the thread back, guys)

Is it really derailed if we're still on the topic of building cool things and possibly putting together a calendar?

I'm serious though, we might be onto something with a fundraiser calendar. Child's Play or another charity like that might be down for something like that.
I'll be January, you can be February and then we can have the other Canadian Regiment members fight over the rest of the months. I think I need to make a few calls... Something something charity fundraiser...

I will only buy it if it is all Turbo all the time! In which case I will submit my order for two.

Seriously though with your pose abilities we really could put a calendar together.

I found this one behind a sign that said "break glass only in emergency." I deem putting together a calendar of you a state of emergency.
I will only buy it if it is all Turbo all the time! In which case I will submit my order for two.

Seriously though with your pose abilities we really could put a calendar together.

I found this one behind a sign that said "break glass only in emergency." I deem putting together a calendar of you a state of emergency.
View attachment 257660
That photo seems familiar.... I think I have seen one with the group " Dabbing"
I will only buy it if it is all Turbo all the time! In which case I will submit my order for two.

Seriously though with your pose abilities we really could put a calendar together.

I found this one behind a sign that said "break glass only in emergency." I deem putting together a calendar of you a state of emergency.
View attachment 257660

But why does the girl on the left look so confused.......and a bit alarmed?
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