I have been building for nearly 2 years now. My main advice is read as many threads as you can. There is a huge amount of info out there. I haven't actually had to ask any one anything yet (well 3 questions so far I think), not saying you shouldn't ask questions because if you don't ask you'll never learn. I learned pretty much everything I have know here and on therpf.com. Because RPF has a broad spectrum of costumes there is a lot more info over there but of course if you're building Halo costumes here is were you will get the best support from people. It's a great community here and once you get your thread started you will find that people are more than happy to give advice or answer any questions you have. To start you off click the links in my signature below to see my builds. As stated on my Ironman thread there are links to tutorials by myself and others and lists of materials and tools needed. I went the foam path because I found it easier than the fibreglass/filler method. Since I started though I have done foam, moulding, used filler and now sculpting so work out which you think you will be most comfortable with and fits your budget and go for it
Thanks for the info! I'll definitely be looking at the threads and checking out therpf.com
I love Halo but it'd be awesome to see some different costumes too!
Thanks for the info! I'll definitely be looking at the threads and checking out therpf.com
I love Halo but it'd be awesome to see some different costumes too!
Really happy to have found this site, been wanting to build a suit for a while, I've run into a bit of cash, so I'll be making my ODST armour in November, pics to follow!
Really happy to have found this site, been wanting to build a suit for a while, I've run into a bit of cash, so I'll be making my ODST armour in November, pics to follow!
No worries man. You could just go down to your local supermarket and do your shopping in it
Seriously though we all meet up at the cons and organise it via the FB page. I don't get to go to as many as I would like due to being so far away but I will try to do at least one a year.
I'm looking to get fully into making weapon props soon, as I'm looking to get my Halo LARP off the ground next year.
Is there anyone here in the UK who might be able to help me out?
I'm looking to make several batches of weapons, but I don't have access to a CNC router to make the wooden former for the mould. Are there any UK prop makers who might be able to make some weapon (and possibly basic armour) formers for me?