UK 405th

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We already have a UK members intro thread. It's one of the stickies. However this thread is useful as it's a handy non topic thread.

I'd rather people posted non topic comments in this one than clutter up the other threads.
We're trying to be a community here. Telling people they can only post intopic in the threads but you still need a place where people can post normally.

This is a place to have fun not an excuse for rule lawyers and grammar Nazi's.
Although a certain standard of english is expected.

Just my 2p worth.
JediFraz said:
We already have a UK members intro thread. It's one of the stickies. However this thread is useful as it's a handy non topic thread.

I'd rather people posted non topic comments in this one than clutter up the other threads.
We're trying to be a community here. Telling people they can only post intopic in the threads but you still need a place where people can post normally.

This is a place to have fun not an excuse for rule lawyers and grammar Nazi's.
Although a certain standard of english is expected.

Just my 2p worth.

ok then

was just trying to understand the point of this topic,


- zen
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Primal Weyland said:
That means 'offtopic discussion thread' not 'one word noncommittal responses'.


i never seem to be able to understand you :p
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Primals use of proper English and grammar is outstanding, I just love reading what he posts lol :D

Sorry Im snoopin around your UK threads, I like to know what goin on everywhere, teehee.
BlacRoseImmortal said:
Primals use of proper English and grammar is outstanding, I just love reading what he posts lol :D

Sorry Im snoopin around your UK threads, I like to know what goin on everywhere, teehee.

lol, i know, he replies on EVERY one of my posts or topic correcting me or my grammar, damn it starts to p*** me off sometimes
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just thought i'd say i'm from the uk as well, bit of a noob when it comes to makin my own armour, only really used cardboard, dont have time for much else at the moment.
Hey guys, and gals. Jusat signed up recently, I am making suits for myself and my 8 year old son. We are in North Yorkshire. Damned fine site.
fat chance if i get a reply in this thread now as its been dead for a while as it seems but here goes: im after someone who can build an iron man (pep only) helmet for me as ive built the whole suit with no problems well major anyways but have built the helmet 5 times now with no joy as i want the jaw and face plate seperate from the main helmet if anyone could help me im willing to pay :)
Major necro posting dude, check up on the forum rules. Try one of the more 'live' threads, i'm sure someone will have an answer
Hey guys from the uk, Yorkshire especially I'm planning on rocking up to this years (2013) Knightcon in castlefords Xcape in my master chief mk6 custom build, I have some friends already going in costume and was wondering if any others from the area were going?? If you are message me and see if we can get a group going.
Hey all, just thought that I'd pop my head in here and say Hi to everyone.

I've just joined the forums, as I'm looking to make some armour (mainly marine and ODST). I'm a LARPer, who is looking into setting up an annual Halo larp, so if any of you are interested, I would love help and advice regarding making kit/armour and such.
Since this thread seems to have been revived, I may as well plug Halo Cosplay UK! We're a group of Halo cosplayers (duh!) all based here in the UK (double duh!). We're always looking to recruit more folks, so check us out: Facebook, or!
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